pve sandbox
Pantheon Rise of the Fallen hits a new concurrent player high, opens a new server to compensate
While Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen's early access release might not be for everyone right now, it's certainly right for a respectable number of...
Embers Adrift continues its ‘light’ series of updates with another fixer-upper patch
If you were hoping for some major drops to come out of Embers Adrift in the next month or so, Stormhaven Studios is making...
Pantheon Rise of the Fallen confirms the arrival of guild functionality in its next update
Having guild features in MMORPGs seems like such a given that it can often surprise us when we learn a game hasn't had them...
Pantheon Rise of the Fallen shares what will and will not be in early access launch, elaborates on server wipe strategy
The end of this year is promising to be a pivotal one for Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen, with the PvE sandbox headed into...
Pax Dei bluntly outlines what it is – and is not – ahead of next week’s early access release
In a world where games have waffled about their MMO-ness, the devs at Mainframe Industries have made it very clear what kind of gameplay...
Pantheon Rise of the Fallen heralds the arrival of Summoner and Ranger classes in its next test build
The Seasons - better known as pre-alpha builds - continue to turn in Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen. With Season 3 nearing its close,...
Embers Adrift discusses quest design, player feedback on trade systems
Embers Adrift is talking questing and player trading this week, as the MMORPG's recent developer stream brings in one of its quest makers to...
Monsters & Memories shares another dev progress report, announces plans for a June public playtest
Like clockwork, the sandbox MMORPG Monsters & Memories has published its latest progress report for April development, but it first opens with some pretty...
Pantheon player hosts a preview of the dangers and designs of the MMO’s new dungeon
It's pretty easy to assume a dungeon called Mad Run would be dangerous, but just in case you needed confirmation that Pantheon: Rise of...
Pax Dei elaborates on alpha two’s focus on combat and PvP with updates to several related systems
Pax Dei developer Mainframe Industries is looking to keep the conversation going about its April 23rd second alpha test, which leads us to its...
Pantheon calls first season an ‘overwhelming success,’ talks up new dungeon for S2
Whatever your feelings might be about the Season 1 test build of Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen from a visual standpoint, Visionary Realms is...
PSA: Fractured Online is hosting a free weekend and a sale starting Thursday
If you've been curious to try the sandbox MMORPG Fractured Online but you're nervous about buying an early access game or you're nervous about...
Pantheon Rise of the Fallen marks progress on pet system, combat, visuals, and March 30’s Season 2
Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen appears to be trying to exude a renewed sense of vim and vigor in the February producer's letter, which...
Pantheon Rise of the Fallen discusses its first season progress and reception, season two plans, and monetization
The first season of development and testing for Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen continues to roll forth, and with players getting their hands on...
Pantheon Rise of the Fallen officially begins its seasonal testing with the Into the Pass release
The time of standard pre-alpha testing is over and the age of seasons has begun in Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen. This past weekend...
Progress Bar: Inside the latest 24-hour pre-alpha test of Pantheon Rise of the Fallen
This past Saturday was when Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen elected to open up its floodgates and let a whole bunch of people into...
Pantheon Rise of the Fallen talks stats, art style, character death, and 2024 plans in new Q&A
This week saw yet another Q&A video from the devs of Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen, and once again the questions that were asked...
Sea of Thieves Season 11 brings quick travel, shiny rings, and revamped trading company loot January 23
The next season for Sea of Thieves is on the horizon, and with it comes a significant focus on quality-of-life, as it adds a...
Pantheon Rise of the Fallen admits recent pre-alpha MMORPG testing brought ‘a plethora of glorious data’
It's often important to be gracious in victory or humble that your knowledge and advice was correct despite it falling upon deaf ears. That...
Pantheon Rise of the Fallen delays latest pre-alpha test into 2024 over broken backend system
Just as things were beginning to ramp up for pre-alpha testing of Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen, the plans laid by Visionary Realms get...