
Never go on Reddit.

Rumor: SWTOR E3 information leaked on official website

BioWare accidentally revealed its Star Wars: The Old Republic announcement for E3 this weekend, and -- spoiler alert -- this could be a game...

WildStar’s mystery event befuddles players

Yesterday evening Carbine Studios encouraged players to attend a WildStar mystery event on the Entity server, not spilling any other details as to what...

Perfect Ten: The top 10 healthiest live MMOs

One question that consistently pops up across the MMO gaming circuit is, "What are the most popular/healthy/active MMOs out there?" Every time I see...

H1Z1 aims for a ‘massive world,’ adds team members and resources

Daybreak Game Company isn't pulling back on H1Z1's development, but is instead doubling down on the survival zombie sandbox by adding more team members...
So it goes.

Reddit’s Button is over

On April 1st, Reddit's big gag for the year was "The Button." It was a button that started a 60 second countdown, and when...
Well, this is... not a good thing for the game, no...

Login issues plague The Elder Scrolls Online’s console launch

Console players had a long wait time before they could get their hands on copies of The Elder Scrolls Online, but the game has...

Not So Massively: Diablo III thieves sentenced; LoL begins automatic bans

League of Legends launched a new system to hand out immediate automatic bans for chat infractions this week, leading to many claims of unfair...

Blizzard takes cigar from Heroes of the Storm character, internet flips tables

Tychus is now on the nicotine patch. Blizzard has removed the cigar from its depiction of the Starcraft II character in its upcoming Hereoes of...

Crossout gives you the freedom to mix-and-match death machines

Remember how hot the vehicular combat genre used to be, especially in the '90s with titles like Twisted Metal? Apart from the short-lived Auto...

ArcheAge subreddit clarifies P2W censorship; Trion bans exploiters

Another day, another Reddit drama, although the one swirling around ArcheAge appears to be coming to a middle. In a message titled Transparency is...

Global Chat: What do you remember about Guild Wars?

Late last month, the classic Guild Wars transcended its 10th birthday and prompted a flood of nostalgic posts and shared stories. A few MMO...

Heroes of the Storm goes into open beta, prepares for launch

With two weeks left until the launch of Heroes of the Storm, anticipation is growing over Blizzard's entry into the MOBA field. Well, now...

Albion Online’s newest dev answers community queries, snaps at EVE trolls

Albion Online is surely milking its acquisition of Game Designer Matt Woodward for all its worth. After Albion heralded his arrival with a level...

Valiance Online plots its strategy going forward

What's going on in the super-powered world of Valiance Online? Quite a lot, actually. The spiritual successor to City of Heroes posted a list...

ArcheAge spawns fresh Reddit drama over pay-to-win

Third time's a charm with Reddit! Remember back in March when a Skyforge moderator threatened to ban anyone using the term pay-to-win and was...

The Daily Grind: Do you crave night-and-day cycles in MMOs?

Earlier this week, Daybreak's John Smedley told H1Z1 fans about a metric that startled me: An awful lot of post-apoc gamers are annoyed with night...
I repent.

Rumor: Blade & Soul might be in internal testing for US release

Hey, you all remember the guy causing a whole kerfluffle about the fact that WildStar is supposedly going free-to-play? Good times! But the Redditor...

Heroes of the Storm devs talk Kael’Thas and character design

Wondering how Blizzard's developers choose from the studio's incredible roster of characters and then crafted those selections into Heroes of the Storm's champions? Then...

A Tale in the Desert preparing to restart with Tale 7

A Tale in the Desert's current "telling" -- Tale 6 -- has been running a long time, ever since its debut in 2011. Since...
Into every life, a few game-destroying bugs must fall? Something like that.

Trove patches in the Golden Thread, now patches out the bugs

The most recent Trove patch added in the Golden Thread, which is pretty great for everyone playing the game. For the new player, it...