
Never go on Reddit.

One week in, ArcheAge Unchained is still battling queues and bugs as players criticize ArchePass

Over the weekend, we covered the "hot mess" that was ArcheAge Unchained's launch and land rush situation, which will shock newcomers but not really...

German magazine ad appears to confirm impending announcement of Diablo 4

It's been long-rumored - and heck we all expected it last year - but it kinda looks like Diablo 4 has been confirmed by...

Gamigo is retooling Trove’s player-generated content submission system

I'd be willing to be that in spite of how often we cover Trove, most of our readers have no idea that a lot...

ArcheAge Unchained is kind of a hot mess while the land rush begins

It is certainly a busy and frantic time as the fledgling ArcheAge Unchained attempts to find its game legs and stabilize into a premiere...
Sometimes the theme is just disappointment.

Final Fantasy XIV patch 5.1, Vows of Virtue, Deeds of Cruelty, is arriving on October 29th

The latest Letter from the Producer LIVE arrived for Final Fantasy XIV, and as fans predicted it includes both a trailer and a release...

Chronicles of Elyria shares another pre-alpha video that focuses on environmental sound

There are plenty of ways for MMOs to set a scene. Visuals are certainly one of the more important, but audio plays just as...

UK art studio accuses Kickstarted MMORPG Oath of incompetence and failure to pay for work

Last spring, we covered an incredibly ambitious new MMO called Oath. Developer Ready-Up Studios rolled out a $35,000-ask Kickstarter to build a free-to-play, action-combat...
Oh dear.

World of Warcraft datamining hints at Death Knight additions as Blizzard postpones anniversary in Taiwan

It's been a rough week for fans of World of Warcraft as Blizzard has continued to be mired knee-deep in a problem of its own...

The Daily Grind: Do you think MMORPG communities are too cynical?

A while back, I stumbled across the most bizarre and lovely multiplayer game I think I've ever seen. It's called Kind Words, and the...

Fortnite returns to service with Season 11 as Save the World players grumble

This past weekend, Epic Games ended Fortnite's season 10 not with a big bang but with a big crunch when it welcomed players to...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Is it time for Guild Wars 3?

Earlier this month, ArenaNet announced that President Mike O’Brien, former game director on both the original Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2, was leaving...
Zorp? Phasers don't go zorp.

Star Trek Online’s former lead producer departs Cryptic

With several series finales and touching moments in history, fans of Star Trek have many ways to say goodbye. Now that former lead producer Maria...

Daybreak confirms yesterday’s layoffs and ‘realignment of the company into separate franchise teams’

Yesterday, we reported on the sad news that MMORPG company Daybreak Games had suffered yet another round of layoffs. As developers began weighing in...

League of Legends tells casters and pro players to avoid ‘sensitive issues’ at the World Champs

So Riot's not having a good week with the whole China thing either. While the League of Legends studio was able to successfully fend off...

ArcheAge Unchained fans are getting antsy about proposed cosmetic gifting

During Gamigo's ArcheAge Unchained stream this afternoon, the chat erupted with cries of "pay-to-win confirmed" over the revelation that cosmetic gifting will be in...

Mark Kern didn’t just quit WoW Classic: He accused his old Firefall studio of Chinese corruption

Earlier this week, we reported that former World of Warcraft Team Lead Mark Kern had very publicly posted that he was quitting WoW over...

Guild Wars 2 studio ArenaNet chased the 2016 Gaile Gray account hacker all the way to Germany – and lost

Back in 2016, MassivelyOP covered an odd story about the Guild Wars franchise and a hack that seemingly involved the account of then-ArenaNet employee...
Hello, I am still the villain.

Players, pros, and politicians join in protest over Blizzard’s censorship of Hong Kong Hearthstone pro

The furor over Blizzard's ban of a Hong Kong Hearthstone pro player and apparent firing of two Taiwanese commentators has only increased since its...

Blizzard bans Hearthstone esports player and fires casters over pro-Hong Kong protest

I suppose it was just a matter of time before the current Chinese political mess spilled over into gaming, but it's done so now:...

The Daily Grind: Are there any MMO experiences you feel you missed out on that can’t possibly be recreated now?

A while back, at the height of the WoW Classic hype, there was a thread on the MMORPG subreddit by an author who expressed...