
The Game Archaeologist: Microsoft’s Mythica

While Microsoft may be the big cheese when it comes to operating systems and worldwide domination, for whatever reason the company has the absolute...

Player falsely accuses Trion Worlds of censorship

Another day, another cautionary tale in trying to wield lies in the face of a game studio with access to factual records. In this...
You absolutely need this, apparently.

Trove patches in measurably large fish

It's not really fishing if you can't brag about the size of the fish, which is why Trove's newest patch is adding in all...

Strategy space sim Pixel Starships starts early access alpha this month

If you're anything like some of us and you're a sucker for cutaway management games like FTL, Fallout Shelter, and Star Command, then you...

One Shots: First steps into a greater world

Do you miss Vanguard? It's been a while now since that particular fantasy world closed its doors to players, but warm memories of the...

Nexus Telegraph: Four things that have me excited about WildStar’s F2P patch

Hot dog! This past week's stress test of the new fall patch for WildStar (it doesn't have a name yet, and Carbine is getting...

Gamescom 2015: Trove’s fall Shadow Tower update offers endgame content, new class

Trion did something this year that a lot of MMO studios don't bother to do: brought existing MMOs to Gamescom. The studio unleashed information on...

The Stream Team: Tunneling to adventure in Trove

Thanks to some adorable pets and mounts, MassivelyOP's MJ was pleasantly surprised during her first foray into Trove at release. One of the fun...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 24: WoW speculation

Justin and Bree discuss WoW's next expansion, Trove, Project Gorgon, DDO, NCsoft's quarterly report, and Neverwinter, with mailbag questions on emotional investment and the state of the site.

One Shots: Abstract art

Every once in a while I receive a One Shots email that makes one of my eyebrows climb super-high while the other one dives...

Log into Trove this weekend for a free class coin and 3,000 cubits

In case you missed it earlier this week, Trion is doing a few things to compensate Trove players for the downtime that's plagued the free-to-play...

The Game Archaeologist: Kingdom of Drakkar

Kingdom of Drakkar, also known as Drakkar or even Kingdom of Drakkar II, is a really odd duck among the annals of MMO history....

Kevin Sorbo headlines SMITE 10M player Hercules promotion

Actor Kevin Sorbo, a '90s geek icon for his title role in Hercules: The Legendary Journeys, will voice a mostly new character in MOBA...
Really, this game should specify its non-neon parts to save time.

Trove rolls out the neon dragons today

Trove has gone down for maintenance and isn't expected to be back up until 1:00 p.m. EDT. That's the bad news. The good news...

Trion Worlds purges Glyph of third-party games

Trion Worlds is apparently getting out of the game distribution service, as least when it comes to games made by other studios. Scott Hartsman has...
Well, unfortunately...

Trove is hosting a player-run soccer tourney

What do you get when you unleash unfettered player creativity upon a game? Well, in the case of Trove, you apparently get player-run soccer...

Trion races to fix Trove server issues, offers compensation

Ever since launching earlier this month, Trove has become somewhat of a sleeper hit in the MMO community and enjoyed crowds flocking to its...

Raph Koster: Crowfall ‘can feel more like a living world’

ArtCraft's Raph Koster is the star witness of an in-depth interview in which he discusses the development of Crowfall using the perspective of his...

Global Chat: How Marvel Heroes made a dad a hero

I love a good customer service story, because it reminds me that a lot goes right behind-the-scenes at MMOs that's hardly ever reported. Braxwolf...

Trove gets even more servers

Another day, another hardware rollout for Trove. Trion's voxelbox is a pretty hot ticket, if login queues are an accurate measure of demand. The...