
Massively Overthinking: The MMO characters we want to love but don’t

A few weeks ago, MOP reader Neurotic pinged the MOP Podcast with a question about characters we want to love but just don't. He...

Gamigo is granting 15 free days of sub time to new and returning RIFT players

Has Gamigo abandoned RIFT? Given the lack of updates and massive layoffs and tiny population, you might think so, and we've certainly been wary...

Gamigo mandates that RIFT and Trove accounts be linked to Steam

If you're one of the faithful players who continue to adventure in RIFT and Trove under Gamigo's operational oversight, then you'll need to take...

Trove’s heckbugs are back for Valentine’s with new loot

Just because Trove is made up of blocks doesn't mean that it lacks a heart. Gamigo's inherited sandbox MMO is going to prove that,...

The MOP Up: Meet Starfall, a new indie Minecraft MMO

So many amazing projects have been birthed from Minecraft over the past decade-plus, including fully formed games. One of the newer of these is...

Guild Wars 2 prepares previews of balance changes and WvW quality-of-life ahead of its 2023 roadmap

There are likely a fair number of Guild Wars 2 players at the edges of their seats for the MMORPG's 2023 content roadmap. Unfortunately,...

Fractured should be back in February as Gamigo shrinks to just a quarter of its 2020 portfolio

Last month, Gamigo suffered a round of layoffs, axed multiple MMOs (dispatching them to other publishers), and stealth-deleted Fractured from its website - Fractured,...

Destiny 2 teases Lightfall’s cyberpunk metropolis Neomuna, Lunar New Year events

Destiny 2 gamers gearing up for the launch of Lightfall next month are being treated to a brand-new trailer from Bungie today, resplendent in...

The MOP Up: Final Fantasy Record Keeper meets its finality

We're a little late to the party on this, but friend of the site Connor pointed out that Square Enix shut down yet another...

Tales of Yore is a ‘lightweight’ retro-style MMORPG ‘full of terrible RPG tropes, cliches, and dad jokes’

When an MMORPG describes itself as "lightweight," there are a few assumptions one can leap to. Personally, I'm taking that description to mean a...

Global Chat: The MMO blogs you should be reading in 2023

Welcome to a new year of Global Chat -- and with it, the anticipation of a great assortment of MMO blog essays, questions, guides,...

John Smedley is leaving his position as head of Amazon Games’ San Diego studio

John Smedley is moving on from his role heading the San Diego branch of Amazon Game Studios, according to a memo sent to staff...

Trove’s Renewus New Year’s event returns with a new quest chain and the same old celebratory orbs

Can it really be a new year unless Trove drops orbs on players' heads every few minutes for a few rounds of impromptu soccer?...

The Game Archaeologist: PlaneShift, the poster child of open-source MMOs

As the character creation screen fades out, a dark vista fades into being. The fledgling adventurer looks around at dim shapes and sinister movements...

Genfanad makes changes to the town of Skal and introduces jewelry items

The retro-styled MMORPG Genfanad wants to give you a ring. And a necklace. And earrings. And shinier amulets. That is to say that the...

The Game Archaeologist’s ultimate MMO archives v6.0

And that's a wrap on this year in history! While everyone says farewell to 2022, here at TGA we're always looking way back at...
It's Cid! Hi Cid! Fix this.

End-of-Year Eleven: The best value MMOs going into 2023

Every year when I do this post, I muse about what "value" actually means for MMOs because it's actually a tricky proposition and that...

Massively Uplifting: A season of gains and losses in the MMO world

Where has the year gone? Fall has wrapped up, winter is beginning, and the end of the year draws nigh. Today, many will be...

Gamigo transfers publishing of Aura Kingdom, Grand Fantasia, Shaiya, and Last Chaos amid layoffs and Aeria portal closure

It just wouldn't seem right to end the year without watching Gamigo light itself on fire, now would it? Fortunately, the company has indulged...

The Stream Team: Reveling in this year’s Snowfest in Trove

MOP's Chris isn't usually the one to stream Trove, let alone its holiday event, but he's not going to be missing out on this...