
[AL:Rift]Official Site: RIFT
Studio: Trion Worlds
Launch Date: March 1, 2011
Genre: Fantasy Themepark
Business Model: Hybrid F2P (Optional Sub, Cash Shop)
Platform: PC

Global Chat: Evaluating the latest MMORPG expansions

This week in our tour through MMO blog posts, we're going to witness a lot of evaluations of recent update and expansion launches that...
Price shark.

RIFT steps up its DDoS countermeasures

While RIFT players have been sallying forth in Starfall Prophecy to combat the forces of Ahnket, Trion Worlds has faced a much tougher fight of...
Not playing the game is a lot like playing the game in the right light.

Trion offers compensation to ArcheAge and Rift players for server outages

Good news for players of ArcheAge and RIFT: You're getting some free stuff as an apology for the unstable servers that both games have...

The best Thanksgiving and Black Friday MMORPG deals

Getcher credit cards ready, folks. It's time. (New additions are at the bottom!) The Secret World is part of the Humble Bundle this week; you can...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 92: A talk with RIFT: Starfall Prophecy’s devs

Justin and MJ interview RIFT's Starfall Prophecy devs and discuss EverQuest and EverQuest II's expansions, their shared love for The Secret World, and G-Star 2016's reveals.
Maybe I can hammer it into working well?

RIFT compensates players for server instability

Fans of RIFT have a new expansion to play, but that requires the game's servers to be cooperating in order to actually play it....

One Shots: A home away from home

If you were to move into an MMO for real, where would you live? I posed this question last week to the One Shots...
Everything's cool out here. Like, emotionally.

The Daily Grind: Are you going back to RIFT for Starfall Prophecy?

After a briefly delayed beta event last month, RIFT's Starfall Prophecy expansion launched this week. RIFT is Trion Worlds' crown jewel, and this third expansion...

RIFT’s Starfall Prophecy expansion is live today with a brand-new trailer

Trion Worlds is throwing its hat into the expansion ring this week with today's launch of RIFT: Starfall Prophecy. The MMO's third expansion takes...

RIFT extends Starfall Prophecy promotion

Trion Worlds is extending its RIFT expansion promotion to allow everyone enough time to gather the rewards they desire. The studio informed players this week...

Make room on your plate for Wurm Online’s cooking update

Plenty of folks will be cooking (and eating) up a storm next week in the US, and come November 22nd, Wurm Online players can...

See some of RIFT: Starfall Prophecy’s new housing decor on display

Hope you are ready for the avalanche: This is a pretty big week for MMORPG expansions, including RIFT: Starfall Prophecy's release on Wednesday, November...

One Shots: A lovely holiday

If you were a dragon, what kind of dragon would you be? Perhaps you'd go traditional, with the whole "giant world-devourer" aspect. Maybe you'd...

The Daily Grind: Are companions useful storytelling aids in MMOs?

As of late, I have been adventuring through RIFT's Planetouched Wilds zone and having an absolute ball with my journeys. Part of the reason...
It's lonely out in space.

Trion addresses downtime with the ArcheAge community

No one likes network issues. Trion acknowledged a slew of network issues hitting ArcheAge over the past few days in a forum post, noting...

Global Chat: How SWTOR could fix its expansion missteps

Debate and discussion continue in the MMO blogosphere over SWTOR's Knights of the Eternal Throne expansion, with many writers criticizing the expansion's format and...

The MOP Up: Amazon Game Studios’ community tools (November 6, 2016)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

Massively OP’s guide to upcoming MMORPG expansions

If there is one consistent inconsistency among MMORPG studios, it is that teams keep swinging back and forth on pursuing the expansion model. How...
Oh, thanks.

Cheers to the MMORPG studios supporting Extra Life this weekend

Extra Life is kicking off this weekend! The charity group has been organizing game developers and players alike in an annual gaming marathon for...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 89: The book of Revelation

Justin and Bree discuss Marvel Heroes, Trove, RIFT, The Secret World, WoW, ArcheAge, Star Trek Online, EVE, and EverQuest, with mailbag questions on Hellgate London, WoW, and what players spend on MMOs.