
Sandboxes are a type of MMO that emphasize player freedom and expression. They frequently include mechanics for building, crafting, trading, character customization and development, roleplaying, destruction, and significant interaction with the world and other players. A sandbox that is dominated by an open-PvP or free-for-all ruleset is sometimes pejoratively called a gankbox. Contrast with the themepark.

I don't like this, but hey, someone did.

Koster on Star Wars Galaxies’ dynamic world

Raph Koster isn't done talking about Star Wars Galaxies yet, and that's good news for fans, aspiring designers, or really anyone who realizes that...
And now we're all where we want to be.

EVE is adding an assembly effect for anchorable structures

EVE Online is getting a bit prettier with its April 28th patch. CCP's latest dev blog outlines the visual changes coming to anchorable player-owned...
If this game is willing to show itself off despite its age, your game, newer or older, can do the same.

Anarchy Online overhauls its world and professions

Anarchy Online is deploying patch 18.7.0 to the live servers on Tuesday, but if you play the game, you'll probably want to look at...

MMO Week in Review: Star Wars Galaxies’ new narrative [April 19, 2015]

Were you too busy gaming this week to pay attention to MMO news? Get caught up every Sunday evening with Massively Overpowered's Week in Review! Raph...

EVE Evolved: How many subscriptions does EVE have?

Two weeks ago, a mathemagician over at The Nosy Gamer published some interesting calculations showing that EVE Online's subscriptions may have dropped by around...

El Somni Quas developers issue a design manifesto

We introduced El Somni Quas to you last week -- it's an old school sandbox created by an indie team in the Czech Republic. But...

LOTRO Legendarium: Why LOTRO needs a progression server

At some point this year -- Turbine isn't saying when, yet -- Lord of the Rings Online will be making an effort to consolidate...
Worlds Adrift

Worlds Adrift dev blog shows early character designs

Want to get a glimpse behind the curtain of character design and development in the MMO industry? The latest Worlds Adrift dev blog may...

Learn about ship customization and more in today’s ArcheAge livestream

There's lots going on in the world of ArcheAge this week, and most of it is summarized in a Trion website update focused on...

Elite: Dangerous ups the ante for mining

A big Elite: Dangerous update called Powerplay is on the way, and with it will come significant improvements to the space sim's mining game....

How Jedi ruined Star Wars Galaxies

Hope you're not tired of hearing about Star Wars Galaxies because Raph "Holocron" Koster's got SWG on the brain this week, and he's answering...

Massively Overthinking: The pure PvE ‘niche’ of MMORPGs

This week's Massively Overthinking question is posed by Kickstarter donor Winterskorn, who wants to talk about something getting less and less love in MMORPGs lately: PvE. "There...

Chaos Theory: Six more tips for new Secret World players

You didn't seriously think that six tips could come close to encapsulating the knowledge needed to start in The Secret World, did you? Of...
Price shark.

Trion snaps up Linda ‘Brasse’ Carlson

Nothing tells your player community that the transition to a new corporate structure will be totally fine like firing a pillar of community interaction,...
GTA Online

Self Radio is another reason to play GTA Online on your PC

If you're still mulling whether or not this week's Grand Theft Auto V PC release is worth a purchase, consider the new platform-exclusive Self Radio...
No, saying that you don't care is not actually an answer.

Raph Koster explains Star Wars Galaxies’ TEF PvP system

A long time ago on a website far, far away, we were having a discussion about modern MMOs and their inability to make sandboxes more than thinly disguised...

Leaderboard: Which style of MMO PvP do you prefer?

MMO PvP comes in a lot of different flavors, and while all of them involve sticking the pointy end into the other man to...
Fixing problems, sure.

Wurm launches new Elevation server

The first iteration of Wurm Online's Elevation server had a problem according to the players: the map. People just did not like that map....

EVE Online re-opens alliance logo submissions

After being placed on hold for further review, the submission process for EVE Online alliance logos is back open and ready for player input....

Gloria Victis upgrades to Unity 5 engine

Forget what you think you know of Gloria Victis' looks, as the devs announced that they've switched up the game engine to Unity 5....