
Massively Overthinking: Do you multibox in MMORPGs?

Last week on Twitter, I saw someone refer disparagingly to EVE Online as "the multiboxing game." I want to talk about the concept of...

Vague Patch Notes: The MMO you play isn’t always the MMO that was designed

There was, for a brief period of time, a window when World of Warcraft was moving toward a more deterministic gear structure that de-emphasized...

Stars Reach’s final Kickstarter haul inches past $750,000, unlocking the shield generators stretch goal

Last night, we covered the successful completion of Stars Reach's Kickstarter campaign: Thanks to gamers, Playable Worlds raised over $750,000 in crowdfunding, and at...

‘We like to make really big games’: John Smedley teases Distinct Possibility by namedropping PlanetSide 2 devs

Our regular readers and followers of the MMO genre already know the name of John Smedley. He was the former head of Sony Online...

The Stream Team: Searching for salvaging scraps in Elite Dangerous

You would be curious for wondering why MOP's Chris is effectively looking to dive into dumpsters in outer space, but it is for a...

Star Citizen highlights the Drake Golem, alpha 4.1’s upcoming new starter mining ship

If you're the kind of Star Citizen player who's looking to break into ship-based mining, doesn't want to cough up the credits (or real-world...

‘It’s all coming back, just as you left it’: Fawkes hypes the return of Defiance with a new teaser video

Last week, we got the surprising but welcome news that Fawkes Games is unsunsetting Defiance, Trion Worlds' old "transmedia synergy MMO, come April 18th....

Blockchain MMO EVE Frontier is selling $100 ‘primal tribe packs’ that feature two cosmetic items apiece

If the pricing for some of the founder's packs for blockchain MMO EVE Frontier made your eyes water, then brace yourself for mental impact...

Star Citizen studio shutters its LA offices as players argue CIG’s whaling is anti-consumer

Star Citizen studio Cloud Imperium has announced in its Chairman's Club newsletter that it has formally shuttered its Los Angeles studio following last year's...

The MOP Up: World of Peaky Tanks

When you think "World of Tanks," naturally you free-associate the TV series Peaky Binders along with it. And a good thing too, because Wargaming...

One Shots: Light pollution over Bree

Are you under the assumption that light pollution is the sole product of the modern era? You've obviously never visited Lord of the Rings...

Dune Awakening confirms $50 box price with DLC and a direct launch with no early access

Before you know it, the May 20th launch date for survival MMO Dune: Awakening will be upon us all, but perhaps you were wondering...

Star Citizen highlights the upcoming Argo ATLS GEO mining mech

Sure, you could mine some planetary space rocks in Star Citizen the boring way with a handheld mining tool, but wouldn't you prefer to...

Warframe of Mind: First impressions of Techrot Encore

Here is the initial column I wrote about the most recent Warframe patch in its totality: On Tuesday, I did not have Secondary Merciless...

Massively Overthinking: Are you tired of survival gameplay in MMORPGs?

When we were deep-diving Aloft earlier this year, MOP commenter Jon Wax said something that caught my attention. He thought the game looked neat,...

Star Citizen shares updates to ships, UI, and mining as it enters ‘the final stretch’ for alpha 4.1

Alpha 4.1 of Star Citizen is nearly upon the playerbase. How can we tell? Because CIG is putting out its first "alpha watch" post...
Possibly like a hurricane.

Warframe takes the stage once again with the new Techrot Encore patch

It's a well-known fact that when a musician asks the crowd if they are ready to rock, the only correct answer is an enthusiastic...
You are bad and you should feel bad.

Blockchain MMO EVE Frontier’s next ‘hackathon’ will award attendees travel vouchers and Fanfest tix

During its past testing, CCP Games' blockchain survival MMO EVE Frontier held a so-called "hackathon" event where players were invited to modify the game...

Perfect Ten: Short but mighty playable MMO races

I like short races in MMOs. Not exclusively, but if there is an option to go small or go home, you can bet that...

PlanetSide2 is finally merging its NA servers in April – here’s how to help pick the new names

Remember how PlanetSide 2 successfully merged its EU servers last year, prompting calls - begging, really - for a similar NA server merge? And...