
The final frontier indeed.

Take a look at what’s coming in Elite: Dangerous’ next major update

The team behind Elite: Dangerous has a history of putting lots of stuff in each big numbered patch. While there's no firm date on...
Our next campaign is for dreams about pipes!

Divergence Online has fully returned to Steam

Day six of the Divergence Online saga: The game has officially and fully returned to Steam. Stained Glass Llama's Ethan Casner told us last night...

H1Z1 announces ‘crate bundles’ for the cash shop

Last week, Daybreak announced a monetization change for zombie survival box H1Z1 that almost slipped under our radar: The studio is adding bundles of...
ridin spinnas, ridin spinnas, ridin spinnas, they don stop

Funcom’s Q4 2015 revenues are up from Q3, creditors restructure loans

Funcom has released its fourth quarter 2015 financials, and the news is both good and bad. The studio's latest quarterly revenues were up $342,000 US...

DUAL Universe promises a seamless galaxy on a single shard

When it comes to creating a science fiction MMO, there are two directions you can take. You can either hold up EVE Online as...
More exciting than the video.

The Divergence Steam drama timeline: What we know

Update February 2nd: The DMCA complaint has been dropped and the store page is back online. In the wake of Divergence Online's disappearance from the...
I said - what's cooler than being cool? ICE COLD!

WildStar’s next major update promises to be very, very cool (in an ice region)

Ready to enjoy some more chill time in WildStar? The game's next update has been announced, and it should be really cool. Literally cool....

The MOP Up: Dungeons & Drama Online (January 31, 2016)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...
I'm seeing... actually, this sums it up.

Destiny to celebrate V-Day with Crimson Days

We're staring down the barrel of Valentine's Day, which means that love and Cupid's arrows are in the air. But that's not enough for...

One Shots: Kneel before Zod

As if MMOs didn't already give us big enough heads, what with everyone treating us as if we were the saviors of the world...
What is the world.

Otherland is temporarily borked on Steam

If you're trying to play Otherland through Steam today, you might be noticing the store page is offline. Drago Entertainment dev Lucjan told concerned fans...

The Repopulation switches engines, announces survival spin-off ‘Fragmented’

The Repopulation has finally issued its promised announcement to the community following the long HeroEngine drama that drove it offline last month: Above &...

PSA: Star Citizen’s free-fly weekend and Squadron 42 split

We've got a double Star Citizen PSA for you this weekend. First, Star Citizen is open this weekend for yet another "free-fly" event; anyone can...

Burn down your foes in Warframe’s Ring of Fire update

Things are heating up in the sci-fi action game Warframe. The latest update, dubbed Ring of Fire, adds the flame-flinging Nezha Warframe to the...

Leaderboard: Massive servers vs. custom communities

One of the trends cropping up in the MMO industry in recent years is the Neverwinter Nights custom shard phenomenon. Games like Star Citizen,...

The Game Archaeologist: Perpetual’s Star Trek Online

If you're among the legions of Trekkies, then you are almost certainly aware of Cryptic Studios' Star Trek Online. Since early 2010, players have...
I get the temptation, but you are not actually a captain.

How MMO studios wield ‘YouTube influencers’

Kotaku has posted what it's calling "a behind-the-scenes peek at what it looks like when YouTubers shill for game companies." Perfect World Entertainment, well-known to...
Why don't you trust us?

Star Wars: The Old Republic’s story stream talks about resuming romance and future story developments

The next chapter of Knights of the Fallen Empire is coming out in early February, and it's reintroducing a major character to players of...

Divergence Online abandons Steam sales over ongoing review harassment

Update: We have continued our reporting on this story here. Yesterday, an eagle-eyed reader noticed that Divergence Online had seemingly been pulled from Steam and...

The Daily Grind: Could a time travel MMO work?

A week or so ago, we reported on the release of an eastern title called Dark Era that was largely unremarkable save for the...