
Not a puppy.

Destiny’s second expansion gets a video preview

If you're anything like me, you found out that Destiny's second expansion does not actually contain a literal house of wolves and got very...

Elite: Dangerous offering Steam keys to game owners

Good news if you've purchased or are thinking of purchasing Elite: Dangerous from the game's website: Frontier said that it will be offering Steam...
Star Trek Online

Star Trek Online interviews Voyager veterans and Season 10 voice actors

Star Trek Online's Season 10: The Iconian War adds franchise veterans Robert Duncan McNeill and Lisa LoCicero to the fold. McNeill and LoCicero will...

MMO Mechanics: Three favourite action combat systems

Virtually every MMO contains dangerous places that are filled with other players or NPCs that will attack characters on site, and many also feature...
Make My MMO

Make My MMO: May 9, 2015

This week in MMO crowdfunding news, we learned everything we ever wanted to know about Star Citizen's first person shooter module, plus a bit more....
Star Marine

Star Citizen reveals Star Marine’s SATA Ball and a whole lot more

Cloud Imperium has dropped a huge info bomb regarding Star Marine, which is what the firm is calling Star Citizen's first person shooter functionality. Like...

Star Citizen releases retro-themed browser arcade game

Forget Arena Commander -- the new hotness in the Star Citizen universe is Hyper Vanguard Force IV. And you can play it right now...
Aiming for the planet.

Elite’s Mac client launches May 12, Powerplay beta on May 20

This week's Elite: Dangerous newsletter covers quite a bit of ground. Firstly, the game's Mac client will launch on May 12th. Mac and PC...
Create and destroy alike!

Smedley has bright predictions for PlanetSide 2’s future

It's been said before and will be said again a few more times before it's no longer true: Fans of Daybreak games are a...

Massively Overthinking: The return of ‘consequences’ to MMOs

This week's Massively Overthinking topic comes to us from Kickstarter donor Antonia "Toni" Phillips aka ToniLyran, who's hit on a sore point with our writers, it...
EVE Online

New EVE dev blog details nullsec and sov changes

If you've got an interest in EVE Online's upcoming changes to nullsec and sovereignty mechanics, and you've got a lot of time, you'll probably...

SWTOR players harass a BioWare dev and his family

What do you do when MMO devs mess with your favorite class? If you're a handful of Star Wars: The Old Republic players,...
So many colors in the rainbow.

Perfect Ten: Ten MMOs still going after ten years

It struck me, very recently, that a decade is a long time for MMOs. If we're going to count Ultima Online as the first proper...

Star Wars: The Old Republic cracks down on RMT ring

In the MMO community, shady websites selling game currency for real currency are considered especially heinous. In Star Wars: The Old Republic, these operations...
Shards Online

The Daily Grind: Which indie MMO are you looking forward to the most?

When it comes to indie MMOs, there's no shortage of them in development. Shards Online is topping my most anticipated list at the moment,...

Yay, SWTOR is less of a grind (again)

BioWare has outlined its approach to the latest Star Wars: The Old Republic 12x experience event which is now active. The boost enables subscribers to...

Destiny prepares to throw players into the Prison of Elders

The bad news: You've been sentenced to prison and are severely outnumbered by powerful, ancient beings. The good news: The warden has allowed you...

Global Chat: What happens to original MMOs when they get sequels?

Telwyn at GamingSF asks a question that I've contemplated from time to time: When an MMO gets a sequel, what happens to the original...
Make the things do the stuff.

EVE Online previews 12th anniversary presents for players

Did you know that tomorrow is EVE Online's 12th anniversary? It's pretty old! And as is the tradition these days, the developers are celebrating...
It's not in imminent danger!

There’s an ARG going on in Elite: Dangerous right now

Elite: Dangerous players are in the midst of an ARG based around in-game artifacts that were tracked down by a coordinated community effort. Producer...