See: Sony Online Entertainment, now Daybreak Game Company
Global Chat: What’s going on with Daybreak?
Do you ever give MMOs a questioning stare and find yourself asking to no one in particular, "What is up with Daybreak these days,...
One Shots: Starlight, starbright
As someone very much on the outside of this whole Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire thing, my observations is that this is some...
EverQuest II’s summer panda NPC moves into the game for good
With time running out to finish a series of seasonal quests, some EverQuest II players were fretting that they wouldn't be able to finish...
Brad McQuaid: MMO devs are ‘making the very, very early foundations of the Holodeck’
Pantheon and MMOs like it are bringing our dream future one step closer (or at least, Lt. Barclay's dream future), Brad McQuaid suggests in a new interview...
Trademark registration suggests Daybreak’s new game is called Parabolic
Massively OP tipsters Gankstar and Scott both noticed that just one month ago, Daybreak filed a trademark for what appears to be an expansion...
Battle Bards Episode 106: Early access themes
Instead of looking back at MMORPGs this week, the crew of Battle Bards launches forward into early access! What would a show about music...
PlanetSide 2 revamped continent locking in this week’s Critical Mass update
Daybreak went all-out in PlanetSide 2 this week with a massive new update, though you probably wouldn't know it unless you play the game....
Massively OP Podcast Episode 137: Hotfooting down the Path of Fire
Justin, Bree, and Tina discuss Guild Wars 2 Path of Fire, Guardians of Ember, the EverQuest franchise, Villagers & Heroes' Starfall, Secret World Legends, Star Trek Online, and Ultima Online F2P, with mailbag questions on the best time to join a guild and deal-breaker MMO features.
The MMO Book Club votes between Guild Wars 2, Secret World Legends, DCUO, EverQuest, RuneScape, ArcheAge, and WoW
Hey, remember the MMO Book Club? That's the Reddit-and-Discord group that allows members to vote on a game to play, then organizes a guild...
EverQuest II stops making older expansions free, while EverQuest hands out skeletons
Daybreak has quietly shifted one of the aspects of its free-to-play business model for EverQuest II. In response to a query as to when...
The Daily Grind: Should MMOs get rid of levels?
I would like to say that when I was a kid playing my first MMORPGs, I was impervious to the grind, that I embraced...
The MOP Up: Monster Hunter World’s Tokyo reveals (September 24, 2017)
The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...
MMOs you’ve never heard of: Savage Hunt – Dragon’s Prophet, Ironsight, Until None Remain, and Battlerite
Welcome back to our intermittent series on MMOs and other multiplayer games you you've never heard of! Today we have four fresh titles to...
The Daily Grind: Which MMORPGs will make to to 20 years?
Unless it mysteriously shutters between now and Monday, Ultima Online is turning 20 next week. Our Game Archaeologist will surely object to an assertion...
EverQuesting: Is EverQuest II in a downward spiral?
Are we witnessing the death throes of EverQuest II? Of the whole EverQuest franchise? These questions have been at the forefront of my mind lately....
Classic EverQuest’s 24th expansion, Ring of Scale, is set to launch in December
Are you sad that the original EverQuest is so neglected? If so, you are wrong. It's not neglected at all. Even if you have...
EverQuest II’s newest progression server enters the Desert of Flames while production servers prepare for the Planes of Prophecy expansion
After a summer of dwelling in beginner region bliss, EverQuest II's newest progression server is taking a step forward into expansions for the first...
DC Universe Online launches its Riddled With Crime update today
Where is Batman? Who will win in the rivalry between the Joker and the Riddler? What's going on at the Gotham Zoo? What's really...
Perfect Ten: 10 MMORPGs with playable fairies
Probably my greatest and most constant gripe about fantasy MMORPGs is that for all of the freedom and imagination that this genre supposedly boasts,...
PvE-centric Fortnite’s new battle royal PvP mode will be free-to-play
Epic Games announced this morning that Fortnite's upcoming PvP mode will essentially be free-to-play.
The game was originally touted by Epic as a PvE survival...