sony online entertainment

See: SOE, now Daybreak Game Company

The Game Archaeologist: Ten more facts of EverQuest life circa 1999

A couple of weeks ago I shared with you several stories from EverQuest veterans about what life in the game was like back then....

EverQuest Next ditches lore and general discussion forums

Assuming that there will be a wealth of lore and backstory in EverQuest Next, you won't be finding out about it on the official...

PlanetSide 2’s Clint Worley departs Daybreak

Former PlanetSide 2 Executive Producer Clint Worley has left the team and studio, according to a brief announcement by him on Twitter. It is...
This is what it looks like

H1Z1’s latest patch buffs its Battle Royale mode

This morning's H1Z1 publish is now live with its overhaul of the Battle Royale system. Daybreak told followers on Reddit last night that the...

EverQuest springs ‘surprise’ patch today

Do you like surprises? As long as they're good, right? Well, EverQuest players can breathe a little easier once they realize that today's "surprise" patch...

The Stream Team: Braving the Brewday festivities in EverQuest II

It's that time of year again, when EverQuest II denizens raise a pint or 20 in celebration of Brewday! And as with most festivals...

Daybreak layoffs totaled 140 in San Diego

It's been almost a month since Daybreak (formerly SOE) laid off several of its employees following its acquisition by Columbus Nova, but we're only...

Storybricks has closed down

It's been but a week and a half since we heard official word that Daybreak Game Company was cutting ties with Storybricks, and the...

How Daybreak strives to avoid social media pitfalls

Tweeting or posting the wrong thing in the wrong tone can have serious consequences for a game studio, which is something that Daybreak Senior...

The Game Archaeologist: Ten facts of EverQuest life circa 1999

MMOs change. We know that, but we also tend to forget it as well. The games that we play today can often be light-years...
Bang bang, you shot me down.

The Stream Team: Shoot-em-up in PlanetSide 2

Last time MassivelyOP's Mike Foster played PlanetSide 2, he died a bunch while providing little value to his team. Tonight should be no different,...

EverQuesting: Is EverQuest Next in trouble?

You know me: I've been quite the supporter of EverQuest Next and Landmark for a good long while. Even before writing about EQN these...

The Stream Team: Touring Qeynos in Landmark

Who says Landmark isn't very EverQuest-y? In fact, a stroll through the sandbox right now will yield quite the assortment of Qeynos buildings thanks...

DCUO cracks down on Hades raid exploit

Players who took advantage of an exploit in the new DC Universe Online Hades raid faced the ire of the Daybreak Game Company this...

The Stream Team: EverQuest Two-sday returns

Too many Tuesdays have gone by without some EverQuest Two-sday adventures, a situation MassivelyOP's MJ aims to fix right now! Tonight she dives back...

PlanetSide 2 soon expanding PlayStation 4 beta to Europe

European PlayStation 4 players will soon have no reason to feel left out of the PlanetSide 2 fun, as Daybreak informed the community over...

EverQuest is getting a new progression server

EverQuest has made a reputation for itself over the years as an MMO that isn't afraid to experiment with progression servers, and as such...
Yes, yes it is.

EverQuest Next may not be F2P

SOE Daybreak has been all about "F2P your way" for a couple of years now, but comments by EverQuest Next senior producer Terry Michaels and...

EverQuest Next severs ties with Storybricks

Daybreak continues to trim its asset portfolio, as the former SOE studio has cut loose artificial intelligence software company Storybricks from the EverQuest Next...

H1Z1 eyes battle royale season pass

Would you pay for a season pass to H1Z1's popular battle royale content? And if so, how much would you shell out for it? Daybreak...