See: Shroud of the Avatar
Shroud of the Avatar added a potted plant, a cow spawner, and a fix for lava pools in Release 135
We admit that headline kind of sounds insane, but those are just a few of the highlights coming out of Release 135 for Shroud...
The MOP Up: Diablo IV walks back a nerf to lacerate
Diablo IV reverted a recent nerf to one of its key skills: "We have heard feedback about how this change limited the desired functionality of...
Vague Patch Notes: The unsettling optics of the Stars Reach Kickstarter
As soon as I saw the news that Stars Reach was going to be launching a Kickstarter, I immediately stood up, got dressed, and...
Shroud of the Avatar lead dev joins another new studio, this time as ‘chief velocity officer’
Remember when gamers noticed how Shroud of the Avatar and Catnip Games' Chris Spears was quietly forming a new game studio to put together...
Shroud of the Avatar promises ‘massive amount of dungeon work’ and bug fixes as Release 132 arrives
The bug fixing will continue until gameplay improves, ideally: Shroud of the Avatar has put forth its latest set of update notes and newsletter,...
Shroud of the Avatar revamps player dungeon rooms and prepares for Krampus in Release 131
We're literally just one day removed from Halloween, which means the Great Retail Calendar declares that it's Christmas now (Thanksgiving never existed unless you're...
Shroud of the Avatar added a fishing hat, polishes quests, and applies fixes in Release 130
Any angler worth their salt knows that putting on the right fishing equipment is... probably not going to make fish bite your bait but...
Shroud of the Avatar adds $18 and $27 monthly subs to offset the costs of development
Catnip Games has admitted that the free-to-play Shroud of the Avatar isn't exactly making the studio a lot of money. That's one of the...
Rumor: Richard Garriott says he believes he will get Ultima Online back ‘soon’
If you enjoy some political shitposting, then you might already be following MMORPG founding father Richard Garriott on Twitter, and if so, you might...
Perfect Ten: 10 MMORPGs with weirdly defensive fanbases
I do not have nice things to say about RuneScape. I have never had nice things to say about RuneScape. I also do not...
Shroud of the Avatar offers an axe in honor of Richard Garriott’s birthday, but only for buying $80 in currency
We're not trying to be facetious when it comes to writing headlines for Shroud of the Avatar, but when the update notes for Release...
Slayscape, the procedurally generated battle royale RPG from Shroud of the Avatar’s execs, opens its Steam page
The weird tale of Slayscape continues to unfurl. As a refresher, this self-described blend of battle royale, extraction FPS, and "RPG flavor" with procedurally...
The MOP Up: Destiny 2 players race to beat The Final Shape’s raid
Destiny 2 players are racing this weekend to see who will net the world's first takedown of The Final Shape's new raid, Salvation's Edge:...
Shroud of the Avatar execs expand on Slayscape, a procedurally generated battle royale RPG
Last March we reported on the discovery of Pangaea, a development studio formed by existing execs of Shroud of the Avatar's Catnip Games --...
Stormgate studio Frost Giant opens equity crowdfunding campaign to make players into investors
Back in February, we covered the eyebrow-raising story that Frost Giant, the studio behind multiplayer RTS Stormgate, was planning to make a push for...
Perfect Ten: MMOs that earned a notorious reputation
Nobody wants a bad reputation. I mean, you can't make everyone everywhere approve of you, but you also don't have to go out of...
Shroud of the Avatar adds a chicken spawner and hands out confetti eggs in Release 124
Chickens and eggs? In Shroud of the Avatar? It's not just more likely than you think; they're a couple of the features that have...
Shroud of the Avatar devs form new studio to make AI-generated roguelike battle royale Project Rise
If you thought that the waters surrounding some of Shroud of the Avatar's bigwigs weren't muddy before now, things are potentially about to get...
Shroud of the Avatar lets players build bazaars and live on the water in Release 123
Whether you're keen to create a market stall-filled bazaar or dodge property taxes because you're living on the water, Release 123 of Shroud of...
Shroud of the Avatar marks 10 years with portals to the chicken room and previews a ‘sneak scene’
It just ain't a party unless you step into a dungeon crawl where you get to slaughter legions of chickens! Or that's apparently the...