Shroud of the Avatar lets players build bazaars and live on the water in Release 123


Whether you’re keen to create a market stall-filled bazaar or dodge property taxes because you’re living on the water, Release 123 of Shroud of the Avatar has got you covered thanks to two new major features that… well, they do precisely what we just pointed out.

Specifically, the new update lets players put down market lots in their player owned towns, with a wide assortment of sales tents, stalls, and a host of related decorations like gazebos, pavilions, and outhouses. A video showcasing these bazaar-based features awaits below.

The second marquee feature of R123 is the addition of tax-free water deeds for player owned towns, available in five different lot sizes for those with enough Crowns of the Obsidians (COTOs) to pay for the upgrade.

Other pieces of the update include another long list of changes to crafting, items, quests, and UI, as well as some more zone maps. The release notes have all of the details.

Longtime MOP readers will know that Shroud of the Avatar is a controversial game in the MMO space. Kickstarted in 2013, the project has been criticized for cutting promised features, crowdfunding excessively, delaying Kickstarter rewards, obfuscating its corporate leadership and office status, and neglecting SEC filings legally required by the game’s equity crowdfunding. In 2019, Richard Garriott company Portalarium sold SOTA to its lead dev and all but exited the game. Press inquires were met with stonewalling and insults, and equity crowdfund investors were abandoned without notice or any semblance of accountability; moreover, the groups are now building a blockchain MMO. SOTA itself does still have a tiny playerbase and is technically still receiving minimal development.
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