star vault

See: Mortal Online

Mortal Online 2 tests chat overhauls, optimizations, and rideable bush pigs in latest PTR build

What's missing from your time in Mortal Online 2? Is it some improvements to the in-game chat? Some performance boosts and optimizations to the...

Mortal Online 2’s first 2025 roadmap promises optimization, combat updates, and overhauled chat

What's next for the current year in Mortal Online 2? Plenty according to the sandbox MMORPG's first roadmap, which sees several stages of continued...

PSA: Mortal Online 2 will host a free-to-play weekend for lapsed players January 3

Has it been a long time since you roamed around in Nave looking for some soft targets to paste in FFA PvP? Then you...

Mortal Online 2 adds ranked duels, spider mounts, and the ability to surrender in latest patch

The newest content patch for Mortal Online 2 is once again a bit of a melange, adding the ability to ride spiders, engage in...

Mortal Online 2 players can no longer steal life from invincible NPCs thanks to the latest patch

The days of Mortal Online 2 players using invincible targets like vendors, priests, and training dummies as juice boxes are regrettably over. That's thanks...

Mortal Online 2 releases its mastery tree system, adds a new dungeon, and introduces more items

No, Mortal Online 2 is not making characters masters of climbing trees; it's adding a mastery tree for them to climb in its latest...

Mortal Online 2 begins testing of a new mastery system on PTR

What do you do when you've climbed the top of the clade leveling mountain in Mortal Online 2? You find a new peak to...

Mortal Online 2 begins public testing of its revamped tutorial experience May 22

Last week, Mortal Online 2 outlined plans for its next content update, which include additional pastoral tasks and changes to its new player experience....

Mortal Online 2 readies foraging, fishing, and an improved tutorial for its next content update

Star Vault Studios CEO Henrik Nystrom once again made use of his Mortal Online 2 stream to showcase the content coming in the sandbox's...

Mortal Online 2 opens a new dungeon, adds new mounts, and tweaks sieges with its latest update

Testing is over and release is here: Mortal Online 2's latest content update is live this week, opening the doors to a new dungeon,...

Mortal Online 2 releases a new dungeon, combat polishing, dismemberment, and bear mounts

The feature set for the latest patch to Mortal Online 2 might sound like an odd stew since it's trying to marry riding bears...

Mortal Online 2 opens the Undercroft dungeon in latest patch

When you hear a place called the Undercroft, a few things come to mind: an underground delve, some form of fancy stonework, maybe impossibly...

Mortal Online 2 player polls prompt combat polish and new dungeons as devs talk F2P Haven and armored horses

The beginning of this year saw Mortal Online 2 approach its update roadmap a bit differently, as developer Star Vault asked players to vote...

Timezones and compensation cause Mortal Online 2 to count free sub time a day early

Considering the length of time it has taken for Mortal Online 2 to get to this point, we'd agree it would be easy to...

Mortal Online 2 releases its big Unreal Engine 5 upgrade and gameplay adjusting patch

The time has come for players of Mortal Online 2 to enjoy crispier textures, shinier lights, and nicer-looking skies. The game has fully released...

Mortal Online 2 calls latest UE5 test ‘a huge success’ and readies another PTR this week

Last week the FFA PvP sandbox Mortal Online 2 ran its third Unreal Engine 5 upgrade test, with a focus on debugging its server...

Mortal Online 2 continues to test out its Unreal Engine 5 upgrade with a third PTR November 13

The Unreal Engine 5 upgrade for Mortal Online 2 hasn't been quite the improvement that Star Vault first hyped it to be, at least...

Mortal Online 2’s Unreal Engine 5 update gets a release window of late October

Back in September of last year, Mortal Online 2 began hyping up its transition to Unreal Engine 5, with the transition heralded as a...
We're so bleeping dark.

Mortal Online 2 prepares to test territory control tweaks and new elementalism spells on July 13

A second public test realm is opening up for Mortal Online 2, and if you're the kind of player who wants to keep trying...

Mortal Online 2 provides a look at territory control and siege mechanics ahead of their June 28 public test

Mortal Online 2 is once again using its latest livestream to point in the direction of its upcoming territory control update, as Star Vault's...