
This is obviously someone else's fault.

DOTA 2 is getting a co-op story campaign… no, really

The story of DOTA 2 has generally been considered to be a story of racist epithets uttered at strangers in a video game, or...

The Daily Grind: Are MMORPGs better off without stories?

Last week, Massively OP community veteran BalsBigBrother pointed out -- rightly! -- that while Trove is amusing, it's very much lacking in prepared story or...
It's a house, you see.

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward in review – side stories, part two

Boy, I will be really miffed if this winds up taking more time than I have until Final Fantasy XIV's second expansion arrives. I...
Well, here we go.

Final Fantasy XIV wraps up the Heavensward story on March 28th

In less than a week, the first expansion for Final Fantasy XIV is coming to an end. The final story patch for Heavensward, 3.56,...
Same horse?

Lord of the Rings Online sends players to the Black Gate with today’s Update 20

The path of Lord of the Rings Online has always pointed, inevitably, toward Mordor. Update 20, live today in the epic MMORPG, brings players...
Get some.

Final Fantasy XI brings in more side stories with its next version update

All right, Final Fantasy XI, we need to have a talk. We're willing to accept that you're in maintenance mode while still providing monthly...

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV’s patch 3.5 in review, part 2

I mentioned previously that I went through Final Fantasy XIV's most recent patch faster than I can recall going through a patch in recent...

Revelation Online introduces future players to Akuta

Look, over there! It's a bird! It's a plane! It's the main character an anime that you'd stop watching two episodes in! It's Akuta,...

Revelation Online shows off its foxes

They're mysterious. They're ancient. They're elegant. They are also, presumably, hiding in the bushes to steal your chickens. They're the Foxes of Revelation Online,...
Cheers, loves, the cavalry's queer.

Overwatch introduces its first canon queer character with a holiday comic

Everyone knows the pain of struggling desperately to get that one last gift for someone you care about. Even if you're Overwatch's super-speedster Tracer,...
Oh no, here we go.

Shroud of the Avatar offers up Release 37 patch notes

It's a busy month for the team behind Shroud of the Avatar. See, there's some holiday or another this month (someone should probably write...
We're all stars now in the outlaws.

Choose My Adventure: On the wrong side of the law in The Elder Scrolls Online

The Thieves' Guild might have a somewhat generic name for what it's doing, but I find it makes far more sense in any world...

The Daily Grind: Who was the best new character added in an MMORPG in 2016?

We're gearing up to kick off our annual awards later this month, but in the meantime, we thought it would be fun to incorporate...

Wisdom of Nym: Our first preview of Final Fantasy XIV’s Patch 3.5

The last patch of Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward is on its way. It's not here, of course; we'll have to wait until January for...
Wow. Such north. Very barbarian.

Revelation Online introduces the northern wolves

Oh no! The Northern Wolves are coming in Revelation Online! Are you scared? Do you know who the Northern Wolves are? If not, you...
The moment again.

Star Wars: the Old Republic goes into detail on repeating story chapters

If you were looking forward to hearing about what was changing with combat and class balance in Star Wars: The Old Republic's next expansion,...
Ain't no school like the old school.

The Daily Grind: Does bigger content in an MMO feel more epic to you?

The tradition of making big plot stuff happen in big groups is not unique to World of Warcraft, but it was one of the...

EVE Vegas 2016: Ascension expansion detailed, new trailer released

While the main event of the EVE Online social calendar is unmistakably the annual EVE Fanfest convention in Iceland, smaller gatherings are held throughout the...
I live inside a wrecking ball.

Shroud of the Avatar delivers Release 35 to everyone

Remember back when Shroud of the Avatar's releases contained mostly line items like "implemented the most basic form of crafting" and "included a single...
Space fleas, not from nowhere.

Star Trek Online previews its next featured episode, Echoes of Light

You can try to hide from the rest of the galaxy in Star Trek Online, but even though the galaxy is a very large...