
Oh, great.

Subreddit founder who started the 2021 Gamestonk craze sues Reddit over his ouster

One of the many, many weird stories to come out of 2021 was the one about Gamestonk, a memelord-led stock market charge that ballooned...
Why are you this way.

The Daily Grind: Which MMO has the worst presence on Reddit?

It's really hard to get a sense of "the community" with MMOs at this point, because MMOs are no longer confined to a small...

Shroud of the Avatar plans launch celebration while Reddit community debate sub’s existence

A rather unique shindig is being planned for Shroud of the Avatar's launch this March. Portalarium announced that it will be holding a release...

Not So Massively: Top 10 most surprising NSM stories of 2015

Back in 2011, our former corporate overlords at Massively-of-old noticed that games like League of Legends were getting pretty damn popular and asked us to work...

Why Guild Wars 2’s prepurchase deal has the internet raging

On the surface, ArenaNet killed it at E3, kicking ass with a much-wanted and huge expansion for Guild Wars 2, one of the biggest MMORPGs in...