
Subscription MMOs are generally those that restrict play to gamers who pay an ongoing fee, usually monthly, though shorter and longer subscriptions, as well as lifetime subs, do exist. Some free-to-play and buy-to-play games also include optional subscriptions.

The Daily Grind: What’s the weirdest stunt you’ve ever seen players pull in an MMO?

I've seen a lot of weird stuff in my day as an MMORPG player, but I'd never seen anyone eat 999 eggs before Ross...

Here’s how leveling an alt in World of Warcraft: Shadowlands will currently work

We know that World of Warcraft players will have a small battalion of alts to push through the content of Shadowlands. So how exactly...

One Shots: When nerfing goes too far

We've all seen classes and gear hit with the nerf bat from time to time in MMOs -- hey, it's a fact of life!...

Global Chat: Which MMO has the least annoying inventory system?

Inventory is something we have to deal with in, oh, pretty much every MMO that we play. Some games are far more generous with...

LOTRO Legendarium: The quiet consistency of Lord of the Rings Online

I want to start this LOTRO Legendarium column today by talking about, well, by talking about World of Warcraft. Like probably many of you,...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO has the best in-game cutscenes and cinematics?

There are a lot of ways that stories can be told in MMORPGs, but one of the most straight-forward and visually exciting is the...
Hey, that's nice.

MMO Business Roundup: Guild Wars 2 voice acting, EVE Online mental health, Good Game, and more

Welcome back to another roundup of MMO - and MMO-adjacent - industry news! Guild Wars 2: If you've been bummed about Guild Wars 2's pandemic-times...
Get back.

WoW Factor: Covenants have become a Shadowlands prison of Blizzard’s own making

If there was any remaining question about what stage of the expansion development we were at with World of Warcraft: Shadowlands, this week marked the...
This is not a doll.

Final Fantasy XI delivers the second installment of the Voracious Resurgence today

Black-clad beastmen, a mysterious threat, and also the meta level of new story content in Final Fantasy XI should be more than enough to excite...

World of Warcraft: Afterlives highlights Ardenweald – if you can bear it

We are happily resurrecting old memes with the latest installment of the World of Warcraft Afterlives animated shorts because watching this video should aggro every bears...

Corepunk is aiming for a ‘WoW Classic difficulty level,’ with housing and farming in the works

With closed beta on the way for this December, Corepunk is generating some degree of interest among cyberpunk MMO fans. To feed the hype...
Never gonna get it, never gonna get it.

Perfect Ten: How to speak with your family members about playing MMOs

The nice part about growing up with serious social awkwardness as "the weird one" in my family is that really, every strange fixation I...
Not all scenarios are your best foot forward.

Final Fantasy XIV posts a new anniversary story and prepares for an online Tokyo Game Show

The third of four anniversary stories for Final Fantasy XIV has gone up today, and it covers an old friend. And an old enemy. An...

XLGAMES finally confirms ArcheAge 2, a next-gen large-scale AAA MMORPG

ArcheAge 2 is more than a rumor now - it's a sure thing. The news comes according to Korean website Ruliweb, which reports that...

World of Warcraft struggles to come up with a Covenant compromise

With less than two months to go until World of Warcraft: Shadowlands releases, it's not a great time to be making major adjustments to...

Desert Oasis: Checking back in on Black Desert Mobile, almost one year later

It's been a while since I checked in on Black Desert Mobile for Desert Oasis. In fact, I haven't really played it since my initial...
EVE Online

EVE Online raises prices on Steam, plans to expand its Abyssal Deadspace system

CCP Games and Pearl Abyss are making some tweaks to EVE Online's business model with price increases to some of the game's bundles on...
It's a... you know.

First impressions: Small World of Warcraft is a fun boardgame with a touch of Azerothian flavor

One of the interesting things about this job is that I am pretty regularly presented with a new set of things to review and...
Happy holidaysish.

The Daily Grind: At what point do you consider an MMO ‘beaten?’

"They're MMOs!" I can hear you saying as you read the title up there. "They're designed to never be beaten or finished!" OK, OK, I...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 287: Rep grind

Justin and Bree discuss WoW Classic, WoW Shadowlands, SWG Legends, Fallout 76, Path of Exile, and Crypto Space Commander, with mailbox topics on MMO roleplay and a 10-part quick lighting round.