
Subscription MMOs are generally those that restrict play to gamers who pay an ongoing fee, usually monthly, though shorter and longer subscriptions, as well as lifetime subs, do exist. Some free-to-play and buy-to-play games also include optional subscriptions.

This is actually much better than I expected.

Battle Bards Episode 79: Combat music

Ready to battle it out more than usual? The Battle Bards are cranking up the combat tunes from MMORPGs today, inviting all sorts of...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 76: The fall of Firefall

Justin and Bree discuss WoW Legion, Guild Wars 2, SOTA, SWTOR, Firefall, StarCraft Universe, Age of Wushu 2, and RIFT, with mailbag questions on early MMO adoption and permadeath in MMOs.

Hyperspace Beacon: Five reasons I still play Star Wars: The Old Republic

It’s hard not to be negative about your favorite game when it appears that it’s changing its original goals. “What? You’re just now realizing...

Immerse yourself in some good World of Warcraft audio drama

Oh, did you click on this post hoping for a tour through some juicy World of Warcraft community drama, perhaps tackling the latest controversy...

Space pirates abound in WildStar’s newest raid

No matter where you go, no matter what games genre lines you cross, no matter how landlocked you become, sooner or later you will...
Send me a group of adventurers with attitude.

Daring! Moonfire Faire returns to Final Fantasy XIV; the pose of a lifetime ensues!

The Moonfire Faire is returning to Final Fantasy XIV once again, but as veterans of the game know by now, these festivals never go...

Worlds Adrift’s emblem creator tool is now online

When MMORPGs first got rolling, we were lucky to have guildtags at all, let alone emblem creators, but Dark Age of Camelot's guild sigils...

World of Warcraft trailer touts Legion features, locations

Blizzard has just posted up another World of Warcraft: Legion video, this one an "extended look" at the zones, dungeons, artifact system, combat animations,...
Your manager says you should shut up.

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV and the weirdness of Yo-kai Watch

The fact that Final Fantasy XIV has now officially had a crossover with Yo-kai Watch feels rather odd to me. I'm honestly not a...

The Daily Grind: When did you think an MMO sucked, only to change your mind once you played it?

A boardgame YouTuber I follow said something in his last video that I thought applied so beautifully to everything -- including MMORPGs. Chaz Marler has...

Guild Chat: Recruiting for your MMORPG guild ahead of WoW Legion

Welcome along to Guild Chat, my column in which I join forces with commenters to help a reader in need with a guild-related concern....

The Game Archaeologist: True Fantasy Live Online

As an extremely amateur historian -- and an extremely attractive archaeologist -- I've always been fascinated with the "what ifs" of gaming's timeline. What...

The Daily Grind: What would you change about your main character?

One of the drawbacks to investing in a huge chunk of time into a single character in most MMORPGs is finding out down the...

World of Warcraft unlocks Demon Hunters on August 9

Demon Hunters, start your engines! Blizzard announced this afternoon that it will be unlocking the newest class on August 9th for players who have pre-purchased...
Herp to the derp.

WoW Factor: The Legion prepatch brings the storm front

On some level, it honestly feels weird to be excited by this patch in World of Warcraft. There's no new stuff to actually do,...

World of Warcraft’s new action camera causes motion sickness in some players

An experimental action camera mode added in World of Warcraft's last patch gave players a little more than they bargained for, as it has...
The monolith.

Hearthstone’s new adventure is called One Night in Karazhan

Early this morning, Blizzard formally announced Hearthstone's next adventure: One Night in Karazhan. Yep, tuggin' on the ol' WoW nostalgia heartstrings! If you're a...

Mark Kern to Ember followers: ‘I feel a profound sense of responsibility for what happened to Firefall’

In the wake of the apparent complete emptying of the Red 5 Studios offices this week, former Firefall founder Mark Kern is forging ahead...
Gothier than thou.

The Daily Grind: How important are MMORPG playerbase metrics to you?

While playing Overwatch with guildies the other night, my husband turned to me with a hypothetical. The guys were speculating on World of Warcraft's...

Massively Overthinking: Starting over with MMORPGs

This week's Massively Overthinking topic is from a reader named Yasser, who asked us: "If you had to pick one MMO to experience all over...