Champions Online is invaded by nightmares and celebrating raptors
Open the door, get on the floor, everybody walk with a dinosaur in Champions Online. For those of you who wish to live by this...
Perfect Ten: Unconventional MMORPG magic classes
Earth. Fire. Air. Water. These elements are all well and good if you want to summon Captain Planet for some reason, but they make...
Champions Online revamps the battle at Therakiel’s Lair
Who doesn't like angel vs. superhero fights? The angels, presumably. And most of the heroes in Champions Online, it seems; the battle of Therakiel's...
Daybreak has apparently registered another substudio: Wandering Monster Games
Back in 2019, we started covering Daybreak's moves to register trademarks and domain names and social media accounts for a bunch of groups that...
Ship of Heroes is enthusiastic about Unreal Engine 5 – but practical implementation is a long way off
Last week, Epic dropped a bunch of news and a headline-grabbing video showcasing Unreal 5. While a lot of the ensuing discussion centered on...
Champions Online is hosting a costume contest of opposites tonight
Inside of every superhero there are two wolves. (Aside from Wolfspout, the man who summons infinite wolves.) One of them has already won, as...
Massively Overthinking: Do MMOs need ‘adult’ character customization?
A Random MMO Fan recently wrote to us with a fun topic, linking to an article about Cyberpunk 2077's ESRB rating, which is apparently...
Working as Intended: The big list of City of Heroes rogue servers, 2020 edition
It's been a weird and wonderful year for City of Heroes fans. In April of 2019, the expose of a secret City of Heroes...
Former Diablo and Marvel Heroes boss David Brevik announces Skystone, a new game publishing house
David Brevik has been a fan-favorite in the online gaming world for years. Though probably best known for his founding role on the Diablo...
Ship of Heroes demos the Twin Swords powerset and considers the pace of combat
How fast is too fast when it comes to MMO combat? That's the question that's currently being pondered by the Ship of Heroes devs,...
The MOP Up: War Thunder helps the US Army train in quarantine
How is the US Army training during this era of COVID-19? By playing video games, of course!
War Thunder said in a press release, "We...
Massively Overthinking: The oldest MMORPGs we still play
When I was still a teenager in my earliest MMOs, the trend in the communities I ran in was to play MMOs sequentially, due...
Working as Intended: Sparking joy in MMOs
On this week's podcast, I mentioned that I'd just finished off Marie Kondo's The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, something that superficially seems unrelated...
Massively Uplifting: Communities and companies bolster COVID-19 relief and mental health support
April showers of good deeds bring May flowers of comfort and hope. And after the last couple of months, we sure could use a...
City of Titans previews its UE4 engine upgrade and dungeon architect tool
The dev team of City of Titans has checked in with a quick update on what it's working on next as well as a...
The Daily Grind: Do you play the MMO fashion wars?
I care about how I look. Obviously not in a real life, because I've chosen to be a short, lumpy gnome of questionable heritage,...
Champions Online runs a bonus reward event and offers up some free capes
Got an alt or multiple alts in need of leveling in Champions Online? Now would be your time to shine, as the game is...
The Soapbox: The sunsetted MMORPGs I miss the most
I'm pining for the fjords.
Not in the way that would assume I'm becoming some jaded and angry MMO fan; I'm never going to stop...
Massively Overthinking: Canaries in the MMO coal mine
A few weeks back on the MOP Podcast, reader Danny posed us such a provocative question that we said right then we were going...
City of Heroes’ rogue servers mark their first anniversary as the game itself turns 16
It's now been over a year since the City of Heroes community discovered the existence of a secret emulator, a discovery that led to...