
The Daily Grind: So how worried are you about Guild Wars 2?

Last night's devastating news that NCsoft was forcing Guild Wars 2 developer ArenaNet to make major layoffs definitely shook me, even more than the...

Massively Overthinking: Contending with the MMO genre’s ‘wowfugee’ crisis

Last week on the MOP Podcast, we read a letter from a listener named Megan who pointed us to a blog post on the The...

MMO industry veteran Bill Roper has departed SpatialOS company Improbable

If you've been around in MMOs a while, you surely know Bill Roper and his pedigree. He's a former Blizzard developer who went on to helm...
We all float down here.

DC Universe Online launches game update 92 today and preps for St Patrick’s Day

If you woke up just now and are eagerly planning to jump right into DC Universe Online, we've got some bad news for you, as...

Indie superhero MMORPG Ship of Heroes releases fresh batch of custom city screenshots

I'd be willing to bet that most fans of City of Heroes would point to things like flight and super jump - especially super...

The MOP Up: TERA and PUBG combine unholy forces

TERA sent out a press release this week confirming the end of the world: "Finally, the dream collaboration between TERA and PUBG is real!...
Rebuild. Rise.

City of Titans demos the current state of its elaborate character creation

Yesterday's City of Titans update was... pretty horrifying. Fortunately, today's update is probably more like what backers had in mind, as Missing Worlds Media...

Massively Overthinking: Showing up vs. showing off in MMOs

Last week's Daily Grind about ambient sociability got a lot of MMO gamers talking about that desire to have people around, even if they...
Oh, fine.

Champions Online introduces the Midnight archetype

If you were hoping that today would be the day that Champions Online surprised everyone with a huge new bundle of actual content, we're sorry...
I'm not back on any BS, I never left it.

Perfect Ten: 10 MMOs I’m optimistic about in 2019

It's still early enough in 2019 to do articles about the upcoming year, right? Well, I'm doing this one anyway, so if it's too...
We all live a yellow... er, spaceship.

Ship of Heroes updates players on leveling up, powersets to show off, and staffing

Leveling up feels easy enough in games; you get enough experience, there's a flash of light, your level goes up by one. But Ship...

DC Universe Online’s Justice League Dark episode launches March 28

Even if you're not a big fan of DC or superheroes, as an MMO fan you've got to be secretly pleased that DC Universe...

One Shots: Diet lightsabers

I think it's about high time we got a Star Wars game in which lightsabers functioned properly as instruments that could melt or slice...

The Daily Grind: Are you looking forward or backward with your MMO picks?

We do find ourselves in a very strange time to be MMO players. While there are plenty of titles in development and early access,...

The Daily Grind: How bad are delays for MMOs, and how much does communication help?

Last week, a newly minted Ship of Heroes fan posted a comment on the game's official forums saying he'd studied in-development MMOs and settled...

The Game Archaeologist: Dungeon Runners

Where do you rest on the spectrum of humor? If you find yourself giggling and snorting at dumb jokes, groan-worthy puns, and satire so...
Look better.

Ship of Heroes upgrades to Unreal Engine 4.21 for a plethora of features

Upgrading versions of game engines is never terribly interesting. The one advantage for Ship of Heroes in this regard is that the nature of the...

The Daily Grind: Have you ever been to a concert in an MMO?

Slightly embarrassing story time: One of my favorite things to do in classic Star Wars Galaxies was sing. Yes, musicians and dancers were technically...

Massively Overthinking: The boring MMO development between bookends of hype

If you watch MMOs being developed for long enough, one truth becomes evident: It's kinda boring. I started thinking a bit about this last week...
This worked out real nice.

Check out Valentine’s Day for Defiance 2050 and DCUO, Lunar New Year for World of Warships and MapleStory 2

Between Valentine's Day and the Lunar New Year, MMO events are piling up around us, and we're not even mad about it. First up, Defiance...