
This took some work.

The Game Archaeologist: Ironman modes and elective permadeath

One facet of video games that's been around almost since the very beginning is difficulty levels. This allowed the player to choose how hard...
Of course there's a sewer level.

Fallout 76 delays patch 11 to mid-July but promises a big lowbie experience overhaul

The latest Fallout 76 preview blog dropped this week, and it details some of the highlights coming in patch 11 - including the fact...

The Stream Team: Searching for silver mines under Conan Exile’s Sepermu city

Underwater, underground -- there's been plenty to explore down below in Conan Exiles lately. Massively OP's MJ already dived under the waves, and is...

Atlas launches single-player mode beta amid promises that multiplayer is the team’s ‘priority’

Well here's something unexpected from a game that missed its own launch date back in December: Atlas is actually ahead of schedule on its...
baaaaaby shark

Conan Exiles increases decay timers so that you’ll go outside

Damn it, kids, how long have you been inside playing video games?! It's summer! The weather outside is beautiful (or it's a murderous overhot...

Final Fantasy XIV’s Shadowbringers has officially been brought

One of the summer's major releases for MMO players officially arrives today as Final Fantasy XIV's Shadowbringers formally launches out of headstart and into the...

The MOP Up: Prosperous Universe’s economy gets a boost with local markets

The economy obviously is a major component of the upcoming Prosperous Universe -- it's kind of hinted at right there in the name, after...
It ensues.

The Daily Grind: Two months in, have you tried the resurrected City of Heroes?

So I spent a bunch of time over last weekend playing City of Heroes again. The game died seven years ago, but like any...

Final Fantasy XIV’s Shadowbringers headstart has officially begun

When our office has gone quiet because half the staff got up at 5 a.m. to sit at their computers, there's usually only one...

The Survivalist: Conan Exile’s underwater dungeon rises above expectations

A dungeon is a dungeon, right? And adding a single dungeon to a game is not really a big deal. In most cases, that...

Conan Exiles’ Warmaker’s Sanctuary dungeon patch has launched on PC

Conan Exiles' next big thing is here in the form of a new patch launching on PC today (and consoles later). It features the...
Oh my!

Conan Exiles has delayed its illegal structure wipe and plans to re-enable Avatar summoning

There's a patch approaching for Conan Exiles aimed at removing illegal structures, which means "structures that should not exist in the game" rather than...
Call the WAAAAAMbulance.

Global Chat: Daybreak is a zombie, walking

What can call an MMO blogger out of retirement? A game studio putting in below the bare minimum of effort in its updates seems...

The Stream Team: A first look at ARK’s new free Valguero map

ARK just released a chunk of content for the survival game in the form of a new map -- a player created new map,...

The Daily Grind: Do you care whether MMORPGs have seasons and diurnal cycles?

In a recent One Shots, MOP's Justin asked readers to offer up their screenshots of MMOs with diurnal cycles - that is, games with...

Massively Overthinking: The worst MMO cash shop trickery

Last week, games psychologist Jamie Madigan tweeted an underrated comment about how psychological tricks used in restaurant menu design are also found in video...
Kick it down the road.

EA absurdly argues video game lootboxes are ‘surprise mechanics’

Did you think EA had maybe learned its lesson from the whole Star Wars Battlefront lockbox meltdown back in 2017, when the uproar over...

ARK Survival Evolved announces Valguero map expansion, launching tomorrow

It's about to be a big week for ARK Survival Evolved: Wildcard just announced that it's launching an expansion map for the game dubbed...

The Survivalist: The perils of breeding pets in PixARK, chapter two

There is wrong, and then there is perilously wrong. The kind of wrong so dangerous that the odds of your heart finally recovering are...

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV’s E3 hangover

Honestly, I wondered how the heck Final Fantasy XIV could top the revelation about Hydaelyn and Zodiark at the start of this year's E3....