Perfect Ten: Weird ways we heal each other in MMORPGs
One of the most important implications of the virtual worlds we visit is that they all boast medical care far above and beyond anything...
Massively Overthinking: Which MMO will be next to raise its subscription?
Almost three years ago, our writers and readers came together for a discussion about whether the age of the $15 subscription was coming to...
Global Chat: Is it a good idea for EVE Online to go back to expansions?
With traditional expansions back on the table for EVE Online, the question of whether it'll ultimately help the MMO looms in the galactic foreground.
The Stream Team: Galactic Loremaster and other SWTOR achievements
Are Massively OP's Larry & MJ achievement junkies? Maybe not, but how can they pass up one called Galactic Loremaster? (Or the Jawa murder...
Perfect Ten: 10 great ways to lose new players from your MMO
MMOs require new blood. Not exclusively or anything; you can keep an MMO going for quite some time on existing happy players. But existing...
Star Wars fan strives to create the definitive SWTOR documentary
After 15 years of development and a decade of live operation, Star Wars: The Old Republic has quite the storied history under its belt....
The Game Archaeologist: The ’90s BioWare MMORPG that almost was
These days, if you mention "BioWare" and "MMORPG" in the same sentence, it's most certainly going to be about Star Wars: The Old Republic....
Massively Overthinking: The MMO grudges we just can’t let go
Back in April, MMO Fallout's Connor and I had a lil tweet convo about grudges. He was joking that there will be aged gamers...
Perfect Ten: MMO critters so cute it makes your teeth hurt
I vividly remember a conversation I had with my then-girlfriend's parents back in 1996 about the potential of this growing "internet" phenomenon. With my...
BioWare is seeking new hires to ‘create the next Star Wars The Old Republic game’
Apparently, BioWare is hiring, seeking developers to create "the next Mass Effect, Dragon Age, or Star Wars: The Old Republic games." Yes, you read...
Massively Overthinking: If you could change one thing about an MMO…
Back in April, MOP's Colin posed us an interesting challenge on the MOP Podcast: change one thing about an MMO you don't like that...
Global Chat: How you can help your MMO’s community
Are you a net positive or a negative for the MMORPGs you inhabit? If you'd like to be the former, MMO Folklorist has 10...
The Stream Team: SWTOR’s Jawa murder party
What happens when SWTOR doesn't give (much) new story content in a long, long time? You find other things to do! And Massively OP's...
Perfect Ten: The many-colored dragon rainbow of the MMO sphere
Dragons are ubiquitous. When I wrote a Perfect Ten describing every single MMO bestiary, I noted that no matter what game you're playing, no...
Star Wars The Old Republic talks up its presence at this year’s in-person Star Wars Celebration
There's going to be another in-person event happening - specifically Star Wars Celebration at the Anaheim Convention Center on May 26th through the 29th...
PSA: Get your free original SWTOR mech today on Star Wars Day
It's been the longest of all running jokes that Star Wars: The Old Republic loves to trot out the same astromech pet for a...
Global Chat: Who gets to decide what is ‘fun’ in MMORPGs?
In a thought-provoking essay, MMO blog Parallel Context wrestled with the question, "Who gets to decide what is fun in multiplayer games?" This is...
Star Wars: The Old Republic adds cosmetic weapon customization in today’s update
Game Update 7.0.2 is rolling out today for Star Wars: The Old Republic, bringing with it some changes to currency names and functions, minor...
Global Chat: Is FFXIV the perfect solo MMORPG?
Kicking off this week's roundup of MMO blog posts, we'll hop over to Dragonchasers where Pete is ecstatic to share the revelation that Final...
Star Wars The Old Republic will add weapons to outfitter and increase currency rewards in update 7.0.2
While most players of Star Wars: The Old Republic are likely waiting for the content features to arrive in update 7.1, the next patch...