
See: The Daily Grind

No, it's still not.

The Daily Grind: Do you actually care whether game studios apologize for screw-ups?

Bungie. Epic. Hi-Rez. Lots of apologies this week for one thing or another. As one of our readers, @Helltrek, put it, "It seems that the...
So long, guy. You looked good.

The Daily Grind: Has the MOBA bubble burst?

The past few weeks have not been kind for fans of MOBAs. In a short span of time we've lost Paragon, Master x Master,...

The Daily Grind: Have you ever been griefed in MMOs outside of combat?

It's a mistake to assume that the term "griefing" in an MMO context only refers to a nasty act in PvP combat, such as...

The Daily Grind: What’s the best MMORPG for a trio?

I've been considering this question ever since my husband and I upgraded our six-year-old's Guild Wars 2 account with Path of Fire and we...

The Daily Grind: Do MMO daily login rewards work on you?

I've always wondered about this because the last few years, I've seemed impervious to the charms of daily login rewards. Even for the MMOs...
I like the style these ladies have.

The Daily Grind: Are there character options in an MMO you want to enjoy but never like?

Demon Hunters are a class I really want to enjoy in World of Warcraft, but I've never really succeeded at that goal. This is...

The Daily Grind: What kind of reputation do you have in your MMO guild?

The way some players tell it, back in the olden days of MMOs, your reputation was everything. With fewer games, longer grinds, and more...
Something like that, anyhow.

The Daily Grind: Have you ever taken drugs in an MMORPG?

Probably my favorite screenshot in an MMO is the one I took back in 2003 or so, when my Star Wars Galaxies character was...

The Daily Grind: How important is roleplaying to MMORPGs?

It's not exactly a secret that one of my first loves in any MMORPG is roleplaying. The whole reason I have multiple alts in...

The Daily Grind: What MMO character customization options excite you?

I am one of those types of people who enjoys spending far, far too long on character customization screens fine-tuning my toon's look. The...

The Daily Grind: Where did you Marvel Heroes players scatter to after the sunset?

A couple of months ago, after we learned about the sunset of Marvel Heroes but before it actually happened early, we asked our local...

The Daily Grind: Is ‘naming-and-shaming’ MMO cheaters a good idea?

Last week on Reddit, an EVE Online player begged CCP to organize a wall of shame for botters - essentially an online list of...
Stormy stormy storm-storm.

The Daily Grind: How often do you check your MMO playtime?

My main character in Final Fantasy XIV is fast approaching a year of total playtime. That isn't entirely surprising, since she's been in the...
Oh, this... keeps my feelings where they were before, really.

The Daily Grind: Are we due for a good cyberpunk MMO?

I am a generally big fan of the cyberpunk genre, especially when it works in a healthy dose of '80s aesthetics for that clunky,...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO studio told the biggest fib in 2017?

Lies piss me off. I have had MMO developers look me in the eye and lie right to my face. I have had PR...
Too soon? No.

The Daily Grind: Have you ever regretted funding a Kickstarted MMO?

Look, if you want to call me a doomsayer or a pessimist or whatever when it comes to Kickstarter and MMOs, you have every...

Game Theory explores the psychological exploitation at work in lockboxes

"It's as easy as one, two, insert your credit card number here!" So begins the parody at the beginning of the first of two...

The Daily Grind: What MMO zone biome puts you in an adventuring mood?

Two of my favorite MMORPG zones are World of Warcraft's Mulgore and WildStar's Algoroc. Both managed to catch some of the spirit and flavor...
You either didn't like the last answer or you didn't care then or now.

The Daily Grind: How much worse could MMO business models get?

During the roundtable podcast a few weeks ago, when we had the whole Massively OP staff on to chat, we tackled a question from Teviko...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO has the best camping system?

The first MMORPG I ever played had a camping skill. You chopped down some wood for kindling, clicked to build a fire, and then...