
See: The Daily Grind

The Daily Grind: Which MMORPG studio has the best communication?

A few weeks ago, we ran a poll asking MMO players how they want developers to communicate. What sparked it was our readers' annoyance...

The Daily Grind: Any MMO resolutions for 2018?

It's almost 2018, and that means we can bid farewell to one year and start a new one that... well, will probably feel much...

The Daily Grind: What were your best MMORPG gaming achievements in 2017?

Before we jump into 2018, let's take a moment to ruminate on our personal accomplishments in MMO gaming this year. While I didn't get around...

The Daily Grind: What’s the most expensive MMO to play at the end of 2017?

We talk about money a lot here on Massively OP. Business models. Stupidly expensive things we've bought. Annoying cash shops. Even things we'd like...
Hey, it's okay.

The Daily Grind: What’s your earliest MMO memory?

As I've alluded in the past, my earliest MMO memory is about doing something that I would later learn was an enormous faux pas....

The Daily Grind: Will you kickstart any MMOs in 2018?

I didn't back a single video game in 2017, which is a first for me. The year before, I backed Hero's Song, and we...

The most popular Massively OP MMO articles of 2017

One of my favorite things to do every year is drill down the top articles on the site for our readers. I don't mean...

Flameseeker Chronicles: A Guild Wars 2 2017 column retrospective

Welcome along to a rather festive retrospective in which I sum up 2017 for both Guild Wars 2 and Flameseeker Chronicles! A large glass of...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO has the best level up and mission complete sounds?

Indulge me for a few seconds and click on this link. And this one. And this, and this, and this, and this. Those tiny sound effects...

The Daily Grind: When did you last humanize an opponent in an MMORPG?

It's that time of year, dear readers. As it says in the holy book of that one deity (probably Lawful Good), "Peace on earth...
I did not get a handle on my fixation with robots.

The Daily Grind: How did you do with your 2017 MMO goals?

The year is slipping onward, and while there's still a few more days in the year, odds are good that your big goals are...

The Daily Grind: What MMO rewards are you chasing this holiday season?

One thing is always for certain this time of year: MMO players have their hands full with Christmas events, so much so that they...

The Daily Grind: What was the worst MMO trend of 2017?

Earlier this week, we posted our award celebrating what we thought was the best MMO-related trend of the year: a renewed focus on building...
Walkin' in a seasonal event.

The Daily Grind: Which MMO has the best holiday event this December?

Next week is the celebrated Winter Holiday, where lots of people gather around House Decoration and exchange gifts to celebrate Something Other Than Unbridled...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO had the best 2017 overall?

This is it, people. We are counting down to the final days and hours of 2017, and I know that there is usually this...

The Daily Grind: What was your favorite NPC added to an MMO in 2017?

In 2016, we asked readers to propose new informal awards to go along with the eleventy-billion formal awards we already do. One of my...

The Daily Grind: What MMO had the best player community in 2017?

It's common wisdom among MMORPG players that player communities thrive in smaller games with lots of history, developer input, and social interaction. Games like...

MMO Mechanics: 2017’s MMO Mechanics in review

I cannot quite believe that we're saying goodbye to 2017 and ringing in 2018 so quickly: It certainly doesn't feel as though an entire...
We're going to be here for a very long while, princess.

The Daily Grind: What’s the best older MMO for players to try out?

It's funny to think that World of Warcraft is over a decade old, because it doesn't feel like an older MMO, due in no...
Look better.

The Daily Grind: Are you surprised by your MMO /played time?

26 days, 18 hours, and 34 minutes. That's the current /played time for my World of Warcraft Hunter, which is one of my more enduring...