
Darkfall: New Dawn opens its store

Darkfall: New Dawn isn't wasting any time setting up a revenue stream to tap players flocking to this reboot. The new web store, which...

Shards Online patches in necromancy and dragon taming

The latest Shards Online patch is the biggest one since December, and it really covers all of the bases you can imagine. Do you...

Shroud of the Avatar races to address issues before persistent world launch

Time is running short for Shroud of the Avatar to prepare for its persistent world launch at the end of the month. The team...

Riders of Icarus kicks off head start, has loads of content in the works for open beta and beyond

Today marks the start of Riders of Icarus' head start, provided that you were one of the players who bought into it. For the rest...

Riders of Icarus saddles up for open beta on July 6th

The third closed beta test for Riders of Icarus has come to a close, and thanks are being offered to testers within that third...
Horsin' Around

SamuTale releases founder’s packs for sale

The first alpha tests for SamuTale are scheduled to start soon, which is excellent news for anyone who has a deep and passionate love...

WoW Factor: Content gaps, polish, and the Legion release date

The past few weeks have been pretty well packed, both in a personal and in a professional sense, so it's easy to sort of...
I will admit that I expected the end already.

Gigantic hosts one last weekend stress test event

The Gigantic closed beta is closing soon, but not without one last big closed beta event. The team is looking for as many people...
That's a nice throne. Mind if I war over it?

Crowfall shares details on the upcoming Throne War test version

The current test module of Crowfall, Siege Perilous, is all about taking on a keep's defenses and taking control. In theory, anyhow; in practice...
Gleam the cube.

WildStar invites players to test a new tutorial and get a hoverboard for their efforts

If you're a WildStar fan, you want a new hoverboard. There's no point in saying otherwise because of course you want a new hoverboard....
Open for everyone, just like forever.

Asta opens up client download for its open beta on March 2nd

Boy, it seems like only yesterday that March wasn't yet a month to be worried about, doesn't it? Probably because yesterday it was still...
You are dead. Did you even read?

Survarium deploys patch 0.40 to its live servers with UI changes and weapon modules

Sure, you're in the middle of a pitched battle for survival with whatever you can find in Survarium, but that doesn't mean that you...

Glide and grapple your way through Worlds Adrift’s island exploration video

How does it feel to explore an island? That's the question Bossa Studios hopes to answer with its most recent Worlds Adrift video. The...
Also, it's crazy random.

The Daily Grind: Are you reluctant to test MMOs you’re excited to play?

Am I excited, with some reservations, about World of Warcraft's next expansion? You bet. Am I happy to be involved with the testing? Yes....
Getting carded.

Paragon’s guide to cards for testers

Pretty much every MOBA has some system in place for upgrading your chosen hero as you play. Paragon is making use of a card...
I want to like you a lot.

Launch impressions of Blade & Soul: Combat, story, questing, and flow

Every time I play Blade & Soul, I'm really playing a different game, which I dub Why Don't I Like You More? The object...

Ninelives welcomes you to explore its darkly mysterious world

Have you heard of this game called Ninelives? It's recently started to gain some recognition with the start of its open alpha test, even...

Worlds Adrift gears up for an exciting 2016

The dev team over at Worlds Adrift is emerging from the holiday season on fire to make 2016 a great year for the fantastical...
Create and destroy alike!

PlanetSide 2’s next major patch lets you gather and build

The next major patch for PlanetSide 2 managed to sneak onto the game's test servers just before Christmas, but no one noticed. Thus, the...
More for the slaughter once again.

Crowfall testing resumes on January 6th

There's a new video from the development team behind Crowfall taking a look at the game's past year of development while thanking players who...