the daily grind

No, it’s not a slow news day; it’s just The Daily Grind, a long-running morning feature in which the Massively Overpowered writers pose gaming-related questions to the MMORPG community. [Follow this feature’s RSS feed]

The Daily Grind: Are you willing to buy good-looking MMO cosmetics?

There are few things that bug me more in MMOs than when my character looks like he or she got dressed by sprinting through...
All errors should have been ingored

The Daily Grind: How do you feel about Destiny 2 six weeks post-launch?

Destiny 2's Curse of Osiris has already been out a few days and... it's not exactly lighting the world on fire. Core fanboys aren't...
We've done this before.

The Daily Grind: What’s the longest break you’ve taken from an MMO?

When World of Warcraft: Cataclysm launched, I was playing. It wasn't too much longer after that when I was not. And I never really...

The Daily Grind: What feature from another game would you import into your favorite MMO?

One of the everlasting points of contention between me and the MMO industry is that no game gets everything right. Gah! Can't you mold...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO needs a better music system – or any music system?

If you ask any Star Wars Galaxies veteran about the game's most amazing features, I guarantee that the music and dance system will make...

The Daily Grind: Have you ever fallen for an in-game MMO prank?

Stop me if you've heard this one: If you fly to the remote Hutton orbital space station in Elite Dangerous, there's a free Anaconda in...
Want some?

The Daily Grind: Should MMOs have enforced naming standards?

For some players, "enter a name for your character" might as well read "insert the best joke you can within the character limit." As...

The Daily Grind: When is the last time that an MMO sucked you in?

Here is something weird that has been happening to me lately during my gaming time: I've been really getting into Dungeons and Dragons Online...

The Daily Grind: Did Marvel Heroes just get the worst-managed MMORPG sunset of all time?

If you happened to catch the Massively OP Podcast this week, you heard my positively livid rant about the whole Marvel Heroes situation. Now,...

The Daily Grind: Should MMOs with PvP-focused factions allow cross-faction interaction?

I'm on-board for World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth focusing on the factional conflict, but there's a side of the factions in WoW that...

The Daily Grind: What should MMOs do to facilitate your return?

Over the past weekend, I picked up Hearthstone after a year or two away from the game. I certainly didn't remember where I left...

The Daily Grind: Did EA do gamers a big favor with its monetization overreach?

Over the last couple of weeks as players fought EA and Disney turned on its own in the Star Wars Battlefront II mess, I've...

The Daily Grind: Did you take advantage of any Black Friday sales in MMOs this weekend?

I did a ton of shopping - all online, mind you, as I'm not so far gone as to actually put on pants or...
Something fell.

The Daily Grind: Is an MMO’s shutdown announcement better or worse than shutdown suspicions?

This is a post about Marvel Heroes. It's also a post about Firefall. In fact, it's a post about all of the games where...

The Daily Grind: What did you misunderstand the first time through your MMO?

I have long resigned myself to the fact that no matter how much time I take in my first playthrough of an MMO, I'm...

The Daily Grind: When was the last time an MMO made you rethink your hobby?

This past week, my husband has been obsessed with Succubox. It's a satirical clicker game where you start out by click-fighting monsters and buying...
From the past.

The Daily Grind: Are you celebrating World of Warcraft’s anniversary?

Today is Thanksgiving in the United States, but unlike many such years, it's not "just another Thursday" to everyone else. No, this marks the...

The Daily Grind: What MMO tips do you wish you had known when you were a newbie?

One of the factors that keeps me from trying out more MMORPGs than I do is that there's a certain element of anxiety that...

The Daily Grind: Do you want to see the return of experience-loss-on-death in MMORPGs?

Last week, I mentioned experience-loss-on-death in EverQuest that was particularly irritating when caused by so-called GM events. Yes, that was in the long long...

The Daily Grind: Are you thinking of WoW Classic as a totally new MMO?

Early on in all the WoW Classic hoopla, I'd been thinking of World of Warcraft legacy servers as the sort of gimmick servers that...