the elder scrolls online

Official Site: The Elder Scrolls Online
Studio: ZeniMax Online Studios/Bethesda Softworks
Launch Date: April 4, 2014
Genre: Fantasy Themepark
Business Model: Buy-to-play on PC as of March 17, 2015
Platform: PC, Mac; Xbox One and PS4 as of June 9, 2015

Elder Scrolls Online’s Dragonhold DLC is officially live on PC

Elder Scrolls Online's Dragonhold DLC, the last DLC for the game in 2019, is officially live for PC and Mac players today. Console players...

The MOP Up: Google Stadia looms nigh

Are you ready for Google's attempt at cloud-based video gaming? Mixed feelings or not, Google Stadia is going to start its rollout next month...

Elder Scrolls Online previews Dragonhold’s drama and destinations

Elder Scrolls Online's Dragonhold DLC is less than a week away now on PC, and for those who are curious - maybe even curious...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Is it time for Guild Wars 3?

Earlier this month, ArenaNet announced that President Mike O’Brien, former game director on both the original Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2, was leaving...

The Daily Grind: Where do you go to get your World of Warcraft fix?

Following last week's nasty Blizzard Hong Kong mess, many players publicly stepped away from the studio and its games, in some cases deleting accounts...
To rather uneventfully go.

The MOP Up: Star Trek Online’s thorny patrol

Cryptic is really hot to trot with Star Trek Online's new patrol system, and this past week the studio highlighted the third new one:...
Let us pray.

The Daily Grind: Are there MMOs you’ve wanted to quit, but you couldn’t?

Very few of us are in a situation wherein large men are perched behind us claiming that something horrible will happen to our loved...

Tamriel Infinium: Which province will The Elder Scrolls Online explore in 2020?

As the Season of the Dragon begins to wrap up for The Elder Scrolls Online, community speculation has begun to turn to what 2020...
We should really go somewhere specific.

Elder Scrolls Online’s Dragonhold DLC launches October 21 on PC, but the prologue questline is live now

We are barreling on to Elder Scrolls Online's last big DLC of 2019, Dragonhold, and as of today, we have an official date for...
Don't worry, something will happen any day now.

Jukebox Heroes: Exploring EverQuest’s official soundtrack

It is fairly rare for an MMORPG to sell an official soundtrack these days unless the game is fairly prominent (i.e., Final Fantasy XIV...

One Shots: Getting all down and cozy

I love a good cozy place in an MMO, moreso if it's got a fully stocked snack bar and some of my all-time favorite...
We all began with good intents.

Ask Mo: Second chances, hate wagons, and the MMORPG grudge game

Today's Ask Mo is not really about comment moderation, but it's where I want to start. Over the years of trying to cat-herd Massively OP's...

Perfect Ten: Solo prequel games to MMORPGs

When studios go about making MMORPGs, risk comes along with the effect as a matter of course. The only question is how to reduce...

Elder Scrolls Online players can slay fictional dragons to save literal cats in a unique charity event

The Elsewyr chapter of The Elder Scrolls Online has been all about saving the cat-like Khajiit from the dragon threat. Now, players can slay...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Does Guild Wars 2 release more paid outfits than armor skins?

I’ve noticed a common complaint bouncing around the Guild Wars 2 community, one that I believe to be a myth. Today, I’d like to...
Hey guys. Want to help?

The Elder Scrolls Online updates players on its plans for performance upgrades in its next few patches

System performance, the never-ending bugbear of all applications. The Elder Scrolls Online has been running for a while now, and naturally that has meant...
Gonna go fight a boss.

Global Chat: Diving deep into Project Gorgon

While you're over there playing the same-old, same-old MMO, do you know who is having a spectacular time discovering one of the most original...

Elder Scrolls Legends will open the Jaws of Oblivion on October 8

Personally speaking, I thought that The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion was the weakest of the original single-player RPGs. Perhaps that game's story beats will translate...

Massively Overthinking: MMOs, challenge, and flow

A couple of weeks ago, MMO developer Mark Kern tweeted a controversial claim about how challenge and interactivity is the point of games (and...

Elder Scrolls Online on the ‘class identity’ that informs its upcoming combat and balance changes

If you're looking at the headline here and thinking oh no not class fantasy, then be aware: ZeniMax knows it's a loaded term and...