this is why we can’t have nice things

The real problem with this genre is the fact that humans play it. Here’s some of the worst stuff they’ve done.

Death threats against Square-Enix management employees force the company to cancel tournaments in Japan

There seems to be a rather alarming trend of people threatening horrible things to employees of Square-Enix. Hot on the heels of threats made...
Very mature.

WoW Classic’s PvP server community is already at war over streamers

Browsing the subreddit for World of Warcraft: Classic will pretty quickly reveal something about the community as it exists now. Specifically, a lot of...

Recapping the whole 38 Studios mess as Curt Schilling contemplates run for Congress

You folks remember 38 Studios, right? The studio at the heart of one of the most scandalous fiascos in the whole MMO genre? It's...

MMO Business Roundup: Threats on Square Enix, Netmarble’s weak Q2, and Steam’s Workshop scammers

Welcome back to another roundup of business tidbits relevant to the MMO industry! Square Enix: First up, another edition of why we can't have nice...

The ESA’s 2019 E3 journalist database breach wasn’t at all a one-time thing

Last weekend, we learned that the Electronic Software Association, the US's biggest video game lobby backed by some of the biggest companies in the...
Oh my!

Conan Exiles disables avatar summoning – again! – after players abuse exploit to… dupe gods

Dangit people, some of y'all just can't resist an exploit, can ya? Apparently an exploit with avatar tokens in Conan Exiles is causing such...
Nothing really changes.

Red Dead Online teases new roles as watchdog group questions Rockstar’s tax history

Red Dead Online has been a bit of a non-entity this year, contrary to our hopes anyway. The MMO-ish version of Red Dead Redemption...

Exposé tracks how one dude fudged a whole company and swindled 25 devs over an MMO

MMO players aren't the only people who get scammed by games that sound too good to be true. Kotaku has a piece up this...
Yes, you should feel sad.

New Frontier launches on Steam with the publisher that supposedly was not connected to the game

Oh boy. Oh, boy. So you all remember Wild West Online, right? Survival sandbox that launched in much the same way that having a...

A lawsuit against Jagex for muting a player is thrown out in five days

Let's tell a story about one Amro Elansari, a player of RuneScape who was muted for undisclosed reasons (so almost certainly involving his being...

Ubisoft cracks down on chat griefers with Rainbow Six banwave

File this one under are you even kidding me right now: A whole bunch of griefers just got banned from Rainbow Six Siege for...
ride eternal shiny and chrome

Jordan bans PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds, plans to ban Fortnite and others

The Jordanian government has announced that the country's Telecommunications Regulatory Commission (TRC) has officially banned PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds. According to a report from Jordanian news...

The Daily Grind: Should MMOs allow players to alter how other characters appear in their client?

Yesterday, PC Gamer posted a positively scathing article about Mordhau, the online knights-and-castles action ARPG. While the overall article is about the game's (and...

Lawful Neutral: TUG’s Nerd Kingdom is the Real Slim Shady

I hate being disappointed. I doubt I'm alone. In general, I try to temper my expectations and accept negative outcomes just as much as...

Farewell, Atlas Reactor: Gamigo has officially sunsetted the first of its Trion MMOs

Just two and and half years after its official launch, Atlas Reactor has officially sunsetted. After buying up Trion's assets and games last year, Gamigo...

League of Legends is blocked in Iran and Syria due to US embargo laws

The politics of the real world have impeded the possible solace or distraction of a video game. It appears that League of Legends players...
Kick it down the road.

EA absurdly argues video game lootboxes are ‘surprise mechanics’

Did you think EA had maybe learned its lesson from the whole Star Wars Battlefront lockbox meltdown back in 2017, when the uproar over...

Star Trek Online’s Discovery Enterprise lockbox has captains in an uproar

It stands to reason that in a game called Star Trek Online, the most desirable starships of them all will be any that have...

Twitch is suing unnamed parties over the flood of offensive content in the Artifact space

Congratulations, Artifact, you made a big impact on video games! Not because of actual players, no, but because your more or less wholly abandoned...
That's not good, no.

Anthem’s Reddit cracks down on ‘aimless’ criticism

How dire is the situation surrounding BioWare's Anthem these days? It's so bad, apparently, that the community reddit has taken to drastic censorship to...