
Just what.

Age of Wushu adds a new free-for-all battle royale mode to its China version

There are two ways to look at the new battle royale mode added to the Age of Wushu Chinese servers. The first is with...

H1Z1’s three-day $500K prize pool Invitational tourneys kick off right now

We may roll our eyes at H1Z1's flip-flopping on names, gameplay splits, and apparent inability to actually launch, but there's no doubt Daybreak is...

Secret World spin-off Hide and Shriek is free this Halloween season

Did you miss out on the unusual scare-or-be-scared premise of Hide and Shriek last year? Funcom's two-player Secret World spin-off stirred up some interest...

Citadel: Forged With Fire’s Halloween update includes props, blood, and trick-or-treating

Citadel: Forged With Fire is one of many MMOs and survival sandboxes sitting in beta or early access but still pushing out some sort...

Destiny 2 PC preloading has begun, while console daily logins decline

PC fans, your time is almost here: You're finally getting a Destiny game on your platform. In fact, if you've already purchased Destiny 2, then...

Gigantic launches necro hero and new map in today’s Season of Souls Halloween update

PWE's MOBA Gigantic is going all out for Halloween with a full-scale update, Season of Souls, launching today for PC and Xbox One. You're...

GTA Online drops wild ‘transform’ stunt races in tomorrow’s update

If you ever get tired of mayhem in Grand Theft Auto Online... just kidding, nobody ever gets tired of mayhem in GTAO. That's why...

Check out Destiny 2’s Legends Will Rise PC launch trailer

Hey remember Destiny 2? That cute li'l sequel from Bungie that launched on console and core MMO players promptly forgot all about it? Well,...

LOTRO Legendarium: Grading Lord of the Rings Online in 2017

At the beginning of 2017, it seemed as though a mini-renaissance was brewing for Lord of the Rings Online. Standing Stone Games broke away...
World of Warplanes

World of Warplanes 2.0 introduces conquest mode, bombers, and respawn

Live in World of Warplanes this week is a 2.0 reboot that's striving to be more than just another patch. Wargaming is calling it...

Revelation Online’s Eternal Chasm raid comes in three difficulty modes

Endgamers, Revelation Online's update today is all about you, as's just dropped the Eternal Chasm raid, a "high-end raid for those that can...

Grim Dawn’s ‘massive’ Ashes of Malmouth expansion has launched on Steam

Crate Entertainment has this week launched a huge expansion for its madly popular multiplayer OARPG Grim Dawn. Ashes of Malmouth is live now and...
Pictured: Probably not Toronto.

Warframe’s Plains of Eidolon expansion launches open-world ‘landscapes’ today

It's been a thrill, I think you'll agree, to watch over the last couple of years as Digital Extremes' Warframe defied the rule that most online...

Frontier Expo 2017: First sighting of Jurassic World Evolution

No, it's not an MMO. Boy oh boy do I wish it were! You know that little old movie franchise, Jurassic Park? If you've...

The Stream Team: Depart to SMITE’s afterlife in costume with new patch

Who needs to wait until the end of the month to start celebrating Halloween? Certainly not Massively OP's MJ! (She might actually start in...

Star Wars: The Old Republic GU 5.5 ‘United Forces Foundation’ is live

Hey, Star Wars fans. I know you're kinda busy with that trailer for Episode VIII and all, but if you actually want to play...

TERA’s Arsenal update is live with new dungeons and endgame gear overhaul

Boy, TERA, that's a bold new look! The game's gotten a bit of a steampunk makeover in today's Arsenal update, thanks to the addition...

Final Fantasy XIV launches patch 4.1 (and no, you can’t get a house)

Yes, Final Fantasy XIV has dropped patch 4.1; if you were trying to get a house, you both already knew that and are already...

The MOP Up: Black Desert’s Taiwan meet-and-greet (October 8, 2017)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

From New York Comic Con, SWTOR and Timothy Zahn welcome you to Copero

The developers for Star Wars: The Old Republic held their Cantina Tour event just outside New York Comic Con last night. To help promote the SWTOR content...