
So long.

The Exiled will hit Steam early access on February 23 with seven-day trial, supporter packs

The Exiled is headed to Steam early access on February 23rd, Fairytale Distillery has announced. The early access launch follows a round of closed alpha...
So, probably not.

Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg will testify in ZeniMax VR trial today

The stakes are high -- $2 billion dollars high -- for the outcome of the ongoing ZeniMax vs. Facebook trial, in which the former...
Obviously silly dances are already universal.

Wisdom of Nym: Getting ready for Final Fantasy XIV patch 3.5

Welcome to the next six months of Final Fantasy XIV, folks. Yes, there are going to be more changes over time, adjustments and upgrades...

Cops-and-robbers sandbox Identity on griefing, prison, customization, and more

Identity is an open-world, cops-and-robbers sandbox, and it isn't asking you for money. That's because it was already Kickstarted to the tune of almost...
Let's rock this thing.

Final Fantasy XIV releases the preliminary notes for patch 3.5

Players will have to wait until Tuesday to actually experience everything in Final Fantasy XIV's Patch 3.5, but that doesn't mean you can't still...

Shards Online’s always-on alpha is now live

Citadel Studios' MMORPG Shards Online has formally launched its alpha today. "Alpha for a game like this means we’ve pretty much got all the...

Revelation Online details closed beta 3’s PvE content

Debuting in the third round of Revelation Online's western beta that kicks off next week is a big chunk of new PvE content.
this is duuuuuuuumb

The $2B ZeniMax Oculus Rift trial begins

Virtual reality headsets may be but babies on the gaming scene, but already one of them has landed in hot legal water. This week,...

One Shots: The Reaper comes for all MMOs

In light of this past week's sad Landmark news, it's perhaps too on-the-nose that I asked for players to send in pictures of defunct...

Chaos Theory: The Secret World says sayonara to 2016

Have you ever had a year that you looked back on and all you could really say was, Hey, I made it through. I've...
This plan sure worked!

WoW Factor: A wishlist for 2017 in World of Warcraft

This year has been a pile of garbage and I'll be glad it's over. It's not that I'm convinced 2017 will be any better...

Black Desert’s Witch and Wizard awaken today

The Witch and Wizard awaken today in Black Desert this morning, and they'd like some coffee please. Not only will your spellslinger be more of a...
If we do get a new race, of course, everyone knows my biggest suggestion.

World of Warcraft nerfs the Trial of Valor today

Are you valorous enough to pass World of Warcraft's Trial of Valor? Because you will require significantly less valor to pass it after the...
Oh no, here we go.

Shroud of the Avatar offers up Release 37 patch notes

It's a busy month for the team behind Shroud of the Avatar. See, there's some holiday or another this month (someone should probably write...

Black Desert opens up seven-day free trials, halves sale price through holidays

The winter holidays are live in Black Desert as of yesterday, but what if you never actually bought the game and wish you could...

Elder Scrolls Online’s winter festival begins Thursday

The Elder Scrolls Online, the MMORPG once infamous for eschewing holidays, is following up its inaugural autumn bash with a winter party called the New...
And that's the future. It's the future. Your future.

Final Fantasy XIV opens up free trials for December

If you've been away from Final Fantasy XIV, perhaps December is the month when you'd like to give it another try. Really, what else...

EVE Evolved: Getting started with EVE’s free-to-play

Just under two weeks ago, EVE Online launched its new free to play account option with the introduction of clone states. Subscribers are now given the...

ARK: Survival Evolved trots out turkey trial, several new prehistoric beasts

Do you want to see some fantastic beasts? Well, we know where to find them: ARK: Survival Evolved. This week's Thanksgiving update added four new...

Massively OP’s guide to MMO Thanksgiving 2016

As you're gobble, gobbling up food today, rooting for your favorite football team, and enduring the uncomfortable political conversations at the dinner table, you...