trion worlds

Studio known to MMO players for games like RIFT, Defiance, Trove, and Devilian.

ArcheAge’s latest patch introduces the feared leviathan

The kraken? Oh, the kraken in ArcheAge was so last week's terrifying sea foe. Now the fantasy sandbox has a new threat emerging from...

Massively OP Podcast: Episode 19

Justin and MJ discuss Marvel Heroes, The Secret World, Ark: Survival Evolved, ArcheAge, and tons of news from E3 on Guild Wars 2's expansion, FFXIV's Heavensward, SWTOR's expansion, Shroud of the Avatar, Torchlight Mobile, and more.
Oh, thanks for the promise to eventually answer in the future.

Trion addresses Defiance players’ requests for more content

The newest set of answers from the Defiance developers to player questions is available now. The bad news (always start with the bad news)...
These nightmarish creatures can be felled! They can be beaten!

RIFT teases the Nightmare Saga coming with next month’s patch

Lord Arak is not a nice guy, presumably. Sure, maybe he does nice things for his friends, has a soft spot for animals, all...

Trove expands server capacity to handle population influx

It's a good problem to have: Trove's servers are filling up to the brim and even causing queues to form. Fortunately, Trion Worlds said...

Defiance’s third season includes MMO reward codes

Who would have thought that, three years later, both Defiance the television series and Defiance the MMO would still be chugging along? But here...

Trove will teach you how to train a dragon next week

Trove is apparently racing to see just how much content it can cram into this voxelbox title before it launches on July 9th. Next...

RIFT’s Summerfest starts today

School's out for RIFT -- and Summerfest is in full swing! The fantasy title's summer event starts today and continues through July 1st, offering...

Steam’s summer sale offers mad MMO deals [Updated Monday]

Prepare your wallets to go broke and your libraries to fill to the brim with games that you'll never have time to play, for...

Perfect Ten: The top 10 healthiest live MMOs

One question that consistently pops up across the MMO gaming circuit is, "What are the most popular/healthy/active MMOs out there?" Every time I see...

MMO Mechanics: Three non-combat mechanics to love

The wheels in my head have been turning over non-combat mechanics in MMOs for a while now, perhaps because of the buzz surrounding Wander,...

Massively Overthinking: The language barriers of MMORPGs

This week's Massively Overthinking topic comes from Kickstarter donor XanadoX, who wants us to talk about "playing MMOs in another language: Korean, Japanese, or even...
Wub wub wub wub.

Defiance devs on the next season and the future of the game

The third season of the show Defiance starts up on June 12th, which is likely of particular interest to fans of Defiance the game....

Voxelbox Trove is officially launching on July 9

This is it, Trove fans. The finish line of beta and the starting line for the official live game. Trion Worlds announced that Trove...

Global Chat: Blizzard’s war on flying

How is the MMO blogging community reacting to Blizzard's proclamation that flying mounts are grounded -- perhaps permanently -- in World of Warcraft? In...

The Stream Team: ArcheAge’s barrel racing

It can certainly be a stretch to come up with new seasonal events, but ArcheAge has added one for the summer that could either...
But this'll clear those population problems right up, I'm sure.

ArcheAge’s server merges will spark another land rush

When ArcheAge first announced that there would be some sort of server consolidation, players were understandably nervous. Merges can be a messy business at...

The Soapbox: Can MMOs eradicate pay-to-win?

You know what sucks about getting old? Apart from the adult diapers and the dying? Yeah, it's the seeing things you love retconned into...

Trion Worlds secures ‘Reactor’ trademark

No, it's not one of Tony Stark's inventions, but that doesn't mean this reactor is any less intriguing. Upon doing some sleuthing, RiftGrate discovered...

Inon Zur to compose Sword Coast Legends’ soundtrack

Sword Coast Legends is getting a musical boost from legendary video game composer Inon Zur. The upcoming coop RPG announced yesterday that it had...