Studio known to MMO players for games like RIFT, Defiance, Trove, and Devilian.
trion worlds
The Stream Team: Cuddling ArcheAge’s anniversary corgi
Massively OP's MJ might be really sad about losing all her houses, but there's one thing that can entice her right back into ArcheAge:...
ArcheAge celebrates its third anniversary with giant corgis
It's hard to believe that ArcheAge has been with us for three years now, but that's what the game is celebrating with its new...
PAX West 2017: ArcheAge’s Corgi Conundrum, anniversary update, and the 4.0 expansion
Nothing may quite compare to last week's big server evolution in scope of change for ArcheAge, but there are more changes coming over the next...
Perfect Ten: The 10 tiers of MMORPG lore
In which we discuss varying levels of MMO lore effort and Eliot admits he doesn't remember the names of Pac-Man's ghosties.
Massively OP Podcast Episode 135: PAX in the P.M.
Justin, Bree, and MJ discuss PAX West, Secret World Legends, Guild Wars 2, LOTRO, EverQuest II, Destiny 2, WoW, ArcheAge, and WildStar, plus a mailbag question on Destiny and raiding.
The Stream Team: A look at life after the big ArcheAge server merges + giveaway
It finally happened: Massively OP's MJ was uprooted from her ArcheAge server of over three years and tossed onto a new world with a...
PAX West 2017: How RIFT is making player exploration worth the effort
Although much of the RIFT demo at PAX West focused on showing off the Celestial Storm update, it was another aspect that captured my...
ArcheAge recovers from server merges, re-activates housing
In the tumultuous annals of ArcheAge, this month's server merge might be remembered most for... being pretty smooth, overall. As the team brought the...
Atlas Reactor patches in a new solo mode and a new character
There's a tendency for all of us to claim that it's our teammates holding us back in online games. Any raid leader, for example,...
PAX West 2017: Trion’s PvE MMO shooter Defiance deserves a second look
I admit that before PAX West 2017, I hadn't logged into Defiance in a long, long time. I couldn't even say how long. Even...
The Daily Grind: Which MMO studio’s finances worry you the most right now?
During this week's MOPÂ podcast, Justin and I remarked on Funcom's spectacular 2017 financial showing, particularly in light of the fact that its numbers were...
ArcheAge goes offline for two days for massive server merges, land rush scheduled for Friday
We warned you about it back in July, and now it's here. ArcheAge is merging (er, "evolving") a dozen of its underpopulated servers down...
Perfect Ten: MMOs that changed their names
Names and titles fascinate me. While sometimes they have no deeper meaning than to sound pleasant and be memorable, a label can indicate purpose,...
PAX West 2017: Atlas Reactor’s next freelancers are a hamster and a dino
Atlas Reactor has come a long way since it first opened its doors. When I very first tried the alpha back in February, there...
PAX West 2017: Trove’s next big patch will focus on clubs
While most of the focus at PAX West 2017 for Trove was on the Eclipse expansion that just released (with its new Atlas, Shadow...
PAX West 2017: Ashes of Creation reveals December 15 alpha zero, Bear McCreary as composer
During the Ashes of Creation panel at PAX West, Founder and Creative Director Steven Sharif announced the exact date of the upcoming Alpha...
LOTRO Legendarium: Is Mordor too difficult?
If there's one topic of discussion that I've been hearing a lot in world chat, on the forums, and among my kinship, it's about...
Black Desert launches Savage Rift patch, back-to-school cash-shop promo
Savage Rift is live in Black Desert today as promised; it's the co-op tower defense minigame in which teams of players will protect the...
Trion Worlds’ Scott Hartsman rebuffs financial panic rumor
A business-oriented piece on Delidded Tech overnight seems to have rustled up Trion Worlds CEO Scott Hartsman in response.
Delidded digs into this week's shareholder...
Massively OP Podcast Episode 133: Gaming Gamescom
Justin and Bree discuss Guild Wars 2, Secret World Legends, LOTRO, sunsets for Ghost in the Shell Online and SkySaga, Closers, ArcheAge 4.0, Star Citizen's Gamescom demo, SWTOR, and WoW Argus, with mailbag questions on Marvel Heroes and MMORPGs as a drug, plus a PAX West preview.