
Steam company known primarily to MMO players for the Dota franchise.

Colonies Online contributes crafting and shotguns to the war effort

Everyone knows that if you're going to head out into deep space to explore strange new worlds, you'd better have a trusty shotgun on...

The Secret World shuts down accounts linked to unauthorized Steam key resellers

Funcom is drawing a line for The Secret World players who attempt to use Steam keys from "unauthorized resellers" by shutting down accounts linked to...

PvE sandbox Villagers and Heroes is reborn tomorrow

When I last checked in on indie PvE sandbox Villagers and Heroes a year ago, the Steam launch was busy rocking the game with dramatic...

TERA is adding a new PvE server on June 9

En Masse is adding a new server to TERA! The firm says that the Steam launch and the introduction of the new Gunner class...

Allods Online gets Steam Greenlight go-ahead

If you figure that getting onto Steam is vital for the future of your favorite MMO, then Allods Online players have to be giving...
Shoot to build.

Final Fantasy XIV opens up Heavensward preorders on Steam and consoles

If you're playing Final Fantasy XIV on Steam, the wait for Heavensward has been a bit difficult, as there's been no clear method for...

Tree of Life persecutes thieves and stymies griefers

Since landing on Steam early access last week, Tree of Life has been patching frequently and furiously. The team is not only working on...

Marvel Heroes adds Doctor Doom, free heroes for everyone, and more

As I tried to log into Marvel Heroes this afternoon, I ran afoul of the 6 GB patch that Gazillion pushed out to Steam...

Voxelbox Trove is officially launching on July 9

This is it, Trove fans. The finish line of beta and the starting line for the official live game. Trion Worlds announced that Trove...

Sword Coast Legends is launching on Mac and Linux as well

Good news for Sword Coast Legends fans who are hoping to play with their friends of "other" persuasions: n-Space has announced that the game will...

ARK: Survival Evolved launches today on Steam early access

Before you go see Jurassic World this summer, why not experience it yourself? The dino-hunting simulator, ARK: Survival Evolved, launches today on Steam early...
If we could see off this mountain.

Voxelnauts gets Greenlit, posts a new Kickstarter video

Looking forward to playing Voxelnauts? So are lots of people on Steam, it appears; as the game approaches the halfway point in its Kickstarter...

A guide to Heroes of the Storm for MOBA newbies and MMORPG fans

So you've heard about MOBAs by now, right? Maybe you tried League of Legends, or the idea behind DOTA 2 was too confusing to inspire a...

Not So Massively: Heroes of the Storm’s launch; Need for Speed’s online DRM

Nintendo's quriky new online paint-battle game Splatoon officially launched this week to very positive reviews. Monster-battling game Moonrise entered early access and promises Pokémon-like...

LEGO Worlds releases on Steam early access

Since Minecraft more or less ripped off the very concept of playing with LEGOs, why not return the favor? That seems to be the...

SuperData’s Van Dreunen on tomorrow’s Heroes of the Storm launch

Tomorrow's the big day for Blizzard's entry into the crowded and uber-competitive MOBA market. Heroes of the Storm officially launches on June 2nd, and...

Derek Smart defends Alganon against review bombing

It's safe to say that Alganon has not been a well-liked game on Steam since its arrival on the platform on May 5th, at least...
There's a comment thread from the old Massively that no longer exists, but it would be priceless now.

Shadowrun Chronicles developer declares bankruptcy [Updated]

After several delays, Shadowrun Chronicles, the rebranded form of what was originally being developed as Shadowrun Online, launched on Steam a month ago. Now,...

Ryzom gets a greenlight on Steam

There's something to be said for having all your games snuggled together on one platform, and now Ryzom may be on its way to...

Previous Elite purchasers can now claim a free Steam key

Last winter I pre-ordered that Mercenary Edition pack for Elite: Dangerous through Frontier's online store. While I enjoyed playing the space sim at the time,...