
Official Site: Wander
Studio: Wander MMO
Launch Date: N/A
Genre: Non-Combat Exploration Sandbox
Business Model: N/A
Platform: PC, Linux, PS4

Global Chat: The MMO expansion lifecycle

With the ever-developing, ever-growing nature of MMORPGs, the expansion truly has a life of its own. By now we are well acquainted with the...

The Survivalist: The good, the bad, and the barbaric of Conan Exiles’ launch

If the survival genre is any indication, Early Access is a nigh indestructable beast! Time and time again we've seen where so many have...

Artsy MMO Occupy White Walls patches in new assets, including a bar

Back in April, we first covered in-development MMORPG Occupy White Walls, a "PC sandbox-building, AI-driven MMO where people play with Art" rather than wander around...

The Stream Team: Meet the mind behind AdventureQuest 3D’s new World Tree

Brand-new content just opened up today in AQ3D, and Massively OP's MJ is excited to jump in and show it off. But even cooler...

Hands-on with Conan Exiles’ launch build: Farming, frolicking in the swamp, and other feature fun

The early access days of Conan Exiles are coming to a close. In less than a month, the survival sandbox will launch. At that time...

Wizard101 plans its 10-year anniversary while Pirate101 grooms Handsome Dan

With the 10th anniversary of Wizard101 approaching, the team at KingsIsle is squirreling itself away behind closed doors to plan a grand soiree. We...
Making my way no matter how bad it looks.

Choose My Adventure: Yes, Project Gorgon is a weird game

I want to start this column by saying the absolute meanest thing I have to say about Project Gorgon, and that one is probably...

Shroud of the Avatar creates the quintessential cozy inn, changes up free trial offerings

When travelers wander in to Shroud of the Avatar's Release 49 later this week, they'll find that one watering hole looks much improved than...

Frontier Expo 2017: Science, history, and gaming make for a great first con

This past weekend was not the first time I have attended a developer's convention, but Frontier Expo 2017 was one of only a very few...

The Survivalist: How procedurally generated maps stretch the life of survival MMOs

It's no secret that I love to explore. And exploring the dangerous new worlds of survival games has been something I have really been...
We could have planned better.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 134: You are my… Destiny

Justin and Bree discuss LOTRO, DDO, Guild Wars 2, Wander, ARK, Funcom, Destiny 2, Cloud Pirates, Perpetuum, EVE Lifeblood, Villagers & Heroes, and helping out with Harvey, with mailbag questions on favorite MMO moments and finding a good guild.

Exploration MMO Wander quietly died and almost no one noticed

Cast your mind back to 2015 and see if you can recall an odd MMO launching on PC and PlayStation 4 called Wander. It...

Choose My Adventure: The why behind Shroud of the Avatar

Finding the fun, I'm sorry to say, was a bit on the fleeting side. The problem isn't that Shroud of the Avatar suddenly stopped having...

Dogma: Eternal Night will let you order around your own mortal minions

After a protracted period of self-induced silence, the Dogma: Eternal Night team has slipped out of the shadows to whisper dark tales of its...
Where now?

Massively Overthinking: Gathering our thoughts on Guild Wars 2’s Path of Fire

This week, the dominant story has become Guild Wars 2's Path of Fire expansion, which is coming our way far sooner than a lot...
Pictured: Probably not Toronto.

TennoCon 2017: Warframe’s Plains of Eidolon is the first step toward a true MMORPG

Do you think you know what Warframe is? Can you define the game? Well toss that out the window because the new expansion is going...

Conan Exiles demos climbing and experience-driven exploration

Funcom Lead Designer Oscar Lopez Lacalle and Community Manager Jens Erik Vaaler helmed an E3 recap livestream for Conan Exiles on Friday, and if...
Just barely avoided this fate.

Perfect Ten: MMORPGs that died too soon

Your favorite game is going to die. I wrote about that. Some games are never even going to get to launching in the first...

One Shots: Head of the class

What do you do if you're a sentient stone head who has been tasked with centuries of guard duty? You probably do a lot...
Upon the fields of whatever.

Choose My Adventure: Grinding away in Black Desert

Let me talk to you, my friends, about grinding. Specifically, about how it gets a bad reputation that it doesn’t altogether deserve. How does this...