

World of Warcraft
Warcraft series, a series of video games that began in 1994

oh for the love of eff

World of Warcraft’s Ion Hazzikostas talks randomness and Legendaries

There's been another live community Q&A session with World of Warcraft director Ion Hazzikostas, and if you're in the "highly frustrated" crowd of fans,...

Perfect Ten: The 10 live MMORPGs everybody should try

If you have ever visited the MMORPG subreddit, you probably know that one of the most frequent posts that pop up are ones asking...
Jaina;'s caught her head on the crusher.

The BlizzCon schedule is out, and it sure has some World of Warcraft panels

Again, we caution our readers, as we did yesterday, that there is not any official announcement of an announcement regarding the next World of...

The Daily Grind: Do dinosaurs help or hurt your immersion in MMOs?

My kids, being of a younger age, tend to find dinosaurs pretty darn awesome. They went bananas the other day when they saw a...
Really studying the heck out of a skull.

World of Warcraft confirms a next expansion reveal at BlizzCon in new video

Let's be fair, World of Warcraft's recap of 2017 doesn't outright say that the game's next expansion will be revealed at BlizzCon. But if...

The Game Archaeologist: The Chronicles of Spellborn

Hey! Hey you! Yeah, you the I'm-so-bored-with-all-of-these-MMOs gamer! You've been grousing about for years how MMOs never take risks, never innovate, and are merely...
Oh dear.

The Daily Grind: What would an old MMO have to do to win you back?

Something odd hit me recently. As I was sitting and planning my MMO play schedules, I realized that whatever announcements about expansions we get...

Blizzard releases a proper Battle.net mobile app for Android and iOS

What is going on with Battle.net these days -- if it is still being called that this week, that is? (It is.) It turns...
Bad taste?

SuperData August 2017 revenue report: PUBG bumps WoW, disrupting PC market

SuperData's August 2017 global revenue report confirms what anybody even casually watching PUBG already knows: The upstart game that's kicking butt on Steam is...

Perfect Ten: How MMORPGs become so darn complicated

MMOs are complicated. This seems like a fairly non-controversial statement; there are more or less complicated games, but they all tend to be complex...
Evil Planet Land!

World of Warcraft hotfixes include an account-wide Argus unlock

How many alts do you have on World of Warcraft? Be honest, we won't judge you (and can't hear you anyway). Because unless the...
Fair's fair.

Ex-World of Warcraft dev Stephan Frost snapped up by Nexon to head unannounced game

Last week we reported that World of Warcraft and WildStar design producer Stephan Frost had left Blizzard for another opportunity. Now we know what...

The MMO Book Club votes between Guild Wars 2, Secret World Legends, DCUO, EverQuest, RuneScape, ArcheAge, and WoW

Hey, remember the MMO Book Club? That's the Reddit-and-Discord group that allows members to vote on a game to play, then organizes a guild...

Prepare yourself for World of Warcraft ilevel 1000 legendaries

World of Warcraft: Legion isn't quite finished yet. The green-tinged expansion has a few tricks left up its sleeve before players' attention turns completely...

World of Warcraft Senior Producer Stephan Frost leaves Blizzard

One of the MMORPG industry's more prominent designers is leaving one of the MMORPG industry's more prominent games. On Friday, World of Warcraft Senior...
From the past.

World of Warcraft audio drama shows what happened to Alleria and Turalyon

The open question of "where are Alleria and Turalyon" was bouncing around in World of Warcraft pretty much as soon as players got to...

WoW’s Running of the Gnomes, BlizzCon’s virtual tickets, and patch 7.3.2 story spoilers

Did you drop $40 on a virtual ticket for BlizzCon 2017? You won't have to wait until the convention starts in November to enjoy...

World of Warcraft’s Bloodsail pirates are throwing a beach party for Talk Like A Pirate Day

Arrrr and assorted other pirate cliches. Yes, it's Talk Like A Pirate Day, which means some MMOs are getting in on the fun. That...

Neverwinter highlights major inventory quality-of-life overhaul

Inventory management in MMORPGs is critical -- I can't even imagine playing something like World of Warcraft or Elder Scrolls Online without inventory mods...

Whatever happened to Black Gold, Order and Chaos Online, and Eden Eternal?

Ever pause during your day and find yourself wondering, "Whatever happened to that game?" With hundreds upon hundreds of online titles these days, it’s surprisingly easy...