
Perfect Ten: MMO fan fashion scenes

For some of us, having the best gear -- stat-wise -- isn't a driving force for playing MMOs. Now, the best-looking gear? That's a...

An exclusive look at RIFT’s 2015 plans with Game Director Christopher Junior

Massively OP: We're here with RIFT Game Director Christopher Junior to talk about the state of the game and what's coming up this year. So...

Eleven makes slow but steady progress on Glitch remake

A new state of the project post is up over at Eleven, stating that while the game is struggling with tech issues that's preventing...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Expanding into Guild Wars 2’s Heart of Thorns

When Guild Wars 2's expansion was announced, most of the questions on our lips were permutations of "What's the new level cap?" and "What...

WildStar’s massive INVASION: Nexus patch is live

Do you want a pet? Do you want to take on some contracts? Are you excited to play around with an expanded wardrobe? Is...
Wow, hey, stuff.

RIFT’s 3.2 Echoes of Madness patch is now available

Trion wants you to know that RIFT's 3.2 patch is officially live. Echoes of Madness adds a 20-player Hammerknell raid and improvements to instant...

RIFT’s Echoes of Madness update arrives on April 15

RIFT players salivating for Update 3.2 won't have much longer to go: Trion Worlds announced that Echoes of Madness will be launching on Wednesday,...
It's the economy, stupid!

WildStar contract, wardrobe, and minipet patch hits the test realms

Ready to enjoy the wonders of an improved wardrobe system, the Contract mechanics, and an array of minipets in WildStar? The game's next major...

RIFT patch 3.2 plans massive wardrobe overhaul

Sporting the latest fashion will be much easier with RIFT's upcoming 3.2 patch, Echoes of Madness. It will include a sweeping overhaul to the...
All right, the Lopp have some chops here too.

WildStar outlines pets and wardrobe mechanics

Have you longed for a Rowsdower companion of your very own as you venture about in WildStar? Did you hate the game's costume system...

RIFT is upgrading its wardrobe system

Good news for the RIFT fashion set: Trion Worlds is working on an overhaul of the wardrobe system to give you even more cosmetic...