warhammer online

Official Site: Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning
Studio: Mythic Entertainment/EA
Launch Date: September 18, 2008
Sunset Date: December 18, 2013
Genre: Fantasy RvR Themepark
Business Model: Subscription
Platform: PC, Mac

Warhammer Online Return of Reckoning lets players craft special jewelry during the Twilight’s Tide event

For fans of the Warhammer fantasy IP, having a celebration turn into a time when there are even more demonic and chaotic threats is...

Choose My Adventure: Frustrations mount in Warhammer Return of Reckoning

Memory is a funny ol' thing. It can straight-up lie to you and convince you of something that probably wasn't even there. Or it...

Choose My Adventure: PvP and RvR bring reward and rage in Warhammer Online Return of Reckoning

It was pretty darn clear what you folks wanted me to experience next in the Return of Reckoning rogue server for Warhammer Online, and...

Choose My Adventure: A Warhammer Online Return of Reckoning reunion with a dash of WAAAGH

It's criminal that there aren't as many Warhammer games that use the Orks. They're my favorite group in the game purely because they just...

Choose My Adventure: Age of Conan engages my barbarian rage

Let me be honest with you all: This week saw me ragequit out of Age of Conan, though not quite to the point that...

Working As Intended: My 20 years of Star Wars Galaxies

Last year, when Ultima Online turned 25 years old, I did a piece reminiscing on those early days and marveling that so much of...

Massively Overthinking: Which MMOs are memorable but not actually fun?

Earlier this week, we ran a Daily Grind on MMOs that are fun but not especially memorable, throwing it back to a quote from...
See, that's the joke of the name.

Perfect Ten: 10 old MMO promises that never happened

Developers like to talk a big game. It's expected, it's encouraged by all parties, and it's part of the fun. When a game or...

Warhammer Return of Reckoning celebrates Sigmartag events with nice crispy bacon

Rogue server Warhammer: Return of Reckoning is not running an event about sausages, but also it kind of is! Happy Friday: It's Sigmartag. "Bells toll...

Bungie’s Carrie Gouskos shares the sad story of Warhammer Online’s odd MOBA spin-off

Those faithful Warhammer Online veterans in our audience will no doubt recall the name Carrie Gouskos. Gouskos, who's currently working as an executive producer...
Being back in Azeroth might be a little more reassuring.

Former Trion boss Scott Hartsman illuminates the rise and fall of RIFT

Yesterday, we ran an editorial from MOP's Tyler focused on his reasoning that MMOs are better off showcasing their own special attributes than tearing...
Infinite Crisis

The Game Archaeologist: The tale of Infinite Crisis, Turbine’s extremely short-lived DC Comics MOBA

Sharp minds will recall that back in 2012, EA Mythic attempted to turn its declining MMO fortunes by repackaging Warhammer Online into a MOBA...

Massively Overthinking: The MMO characters we want to love but don’t

A few weeks ago, MOP reader Neurotic pinged the MOP Podcast with a question about characters we want to love but just don't. He...

Perfect Ten: Ranking 10 MMORPG map designs from worst to best

When I was a kid, I loved poring over maps in our family's atlas when we went on road trips. Getting a kind of...

Warhammer Online Return of Reckoning grants extra PvP rewards during the Night of Murder event

The Return of Reckoning rogue server for Warhammer Online is already full of PvP, but tomorrow, February 10th, heralds the return of the Night...

Perfect Ten: 10 dead MMOs that should be revived for a second chance

I have always felt that it's such an enormous waste of everything when a live MMORPG is sunsetted and access to it is gone...

The Game Archaeologist’s ultimate MMO archives v6.0

And that's a wrap on this year in history! While everyone says farewell to 2022, here at TGA we're always looking way back at...

One Shots: The best player-submitted MMO screenshots of 2022

For our very last One Shots column of 2022, we're going to take a break from the routine to hand out awards to our...

Warhammer Online’s Return of Reckoning server brings back Keg End and introduces a new scenario

The rogue server for Warhammer Online isn't letting this year exit without one final drunken bash. Keg End kicked off in Return of Reckoning...

Loric Games commits Mythic and BioWare vets to building a survival game rich in story

What happens when you combine the experience of former BioWare and Mythic Entertainment devs with the survival sandbox sub-genre? We're all projected to find...