world of warcraft

Official Site: World of Warcraft
Studio: Blizzard Entertainment
Launch Date: November 23, 2014
Genre: Fantasy Themepark
Business Model: Subscription (Cash Shop)
Platform: PC

Ex-WoW lead Rob Pardo says industry devs are avoiding the ‘MMO’ label

MMOs aren't going anywhere, but the label may be on the way out. This comes from former World of Warcraft lead Rob Pardo, who...

MMO Week in Review: Blizzard likes your money after all (August 2, 2015)

Were you too busy gaming this week to pay attention to MMO news? Get caught up every Sunday evening with Massively Overpowered’s Week in Review! I...

MMO Mechanics: Brilliant MMO boss mechanics

I love a good boss fight as much as the next MMO player, and I'm sure I'm not alone in favouring fights that really...

Bashiok bids Blizzard adieu

Blizzard's long-time community manager, Bashiok (known in the earlier days as Drysc), is leaving the studio after more than a decade of wrangling the...

SMITE adds Khepri, its biggest god yet

"This is one big scary bug. Much bug. Wow." Hi-Rez has a lot to say about Khepri, SMITE's newest god, but perhaps the above quote...
Here we go again, unfortunately.

WoW Factor: Speculating on WoW’s next expansion

On August 6th, we now know, we'll be hearing the name and some details on the next World of Warcraft expansion. What we don't...

Windows 10 and your favorite MMORPGs

If you're upgrading to Windows 10 this week, congratulations! You're brave! You might be in for a week of tech headaches and busted games! Tech support across...

With Your Destiny and Asta close down

We truly do hate to be the bearers of bad news, especially when that news has to do with the demise of an MMO....

World of Warcraft to reveal newest expansion next week

What will World of Warcraft's next expansion be? Forget speculation -- you'll be finding out for real in a little over a week. Blizzard announced...
No longer.

FFXIV, SWTOR, and Guild Wars 2 fall in Raptr’s June rankings

Raptr has published its stats roundup for the month of June. It turns out that people are still playing games online. You can close your browser...

Global Chat: Do you crave human interaction in MMOs?

I've long been an advocate of "playing alone together" in MMOs. While I enjoy grouping and teaming up to a degree, mostly I want...
We'll defend against whoever in the world we're at war with. Probably ourselves.

Is Blizzard’s mystery Gamescom conference about WoW?

Blizzard being at Gamescom is in and of itself neither unusual nor unique. Gamescom is just one of those conventions that the company attends,...

World of Warcraft is really, really big

One thing we grizzled World of Warcraft veterans tend to fondly remember are the naked gnome races that showed us just how big --...

The Game Archaeologist: Kingdom of Drakkar

Kingdom of Drakkar, also known as Drakkar or even Kingdom of Drakkar II, is a really odd duck among the annals of MMO history....

The Daily Grind: Have you ever used performance-enhancing drugs while MMOing?

Last week, a former pro e-sports player went on the record to say that he -- and pretty much everyone else in the top...

Massively Overthinking: Dealing with toxicity in MMO communities

This week's Massively Overthinking comes to us from Kickstarter donor Dahui, who asks, "What do you think MMO developers can do to try to minimize...

Perfect Ten: MMO fan fashion scenes

For some of us, having the best gear -- stat-wise -- isn't a driving force for playing MMOs. Now, the best-looking gear? That's a...

The Daily Grind: What was your first day in an MMO like?

Can you remember? Can you recall your very first day playing an MMO? Or has it been so long that time's made a mockery...

World of Warcraft Death Knight solos world boss

Has your group ever wiped on World of Warcraft's Supreme Lord Kazzak world boss? If so, you're bad and you should feel bad, because...

World of Warcraft raiding guild wipes 472 times before beating mythic Hellfire raid

How many times do you usually tolerate a full group wipe before calling it a night? Three? Four? Now imagine if your guild has...