worlds adrift

Official Site: Worlds Adrift

Worlds Adrift teaches you to git gud, promises instruments someday

Still having a rough time in Worlds Adrift? Bossa Studios has a new humorous guide out to help players "git gud." Among the tips...

Worlds Adrift starts work on countering PvP griefing, but tells players to get better

Who would have ever thought that the tranquil-looking Worlds Adrift would become a raucous griefer's paradise? Apparently not the developers, who were, we guess,...
How does this need to be said.

Worlds Adrift team recaps launch event in the sky and patch rollout

It was no e-sports bus, but Worlds Adrift really did send players, devs, and journalists skyward in a floating... well, it kinda looks like...
For a given definition of drift.

Worlds Adrift admits early-game PvP griefing is a big problem and vows to address it

In Andrew's hands-on with Worlds Adrift published Monday, he expressed some serious concerns over the title's approach to PvP. Even as a hardened sandbox...
Pictured: Deep hurting.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 171: Bless you, my subscriber

Justin and Bree discuss LOTRO, Bless Online, Elder Scrolls Online Summerset, Worlds Adrift, Pantheon, Skull & Bones, and The Division 2, with mailbag questions on the Eastern MMO stigma and Sea of Thieves' new MMO paradigm.

First impressions of Worlds Adrift: Innovation, Zelda, open-world PvP, and that sinking feeling

Worlds Adrift has been one of those games I've been closely watching but trying not to jump into until it was ready. I tried...
Drift-slidin' away.

Betawatch: Worlds Adrift launches early access for airships and actual airships (May 18, 2018)

There are only a handful of games you can celebrate launching by releasing an actual airship into the sky, but Worlds Adrift is one...

Worlds Adrift launches on Steam early access while overseen by actual airship

Floating up out of the drydock of closed beta, Worlds Adrift launched into the bright blue skies of early access today. The airship sandbox...

The Stream Team: Skydiving back into Worlds Adrift

Worlds Adrift development has been cruising along and the title will be launching through Steam's Early Access program in just two days. Massively OP's...

Worlds Adrift plans to launch by launching a real-life skyship

If you've been working on a title like Worlds Adrift for years, it's likely that the impending launch will leave you feeling a bit......
You are not the real thing.

Betawatch: Defiance 2050’s closed beta, ESO’s Summerset on the PTS (April 20, 2018)

Beta testing for Elder Scrolls Online's Summerset expansion - as well as the free update 18 that'll launch alongside it - began this week...
Radical lows.

Betawatch: Radical Heights springs out to predictable lows (April 13, 2018)

Good news, Boss Key fans! After the studio pretty blatantly gave up on LawBreakers, it turned around and quickly launched its next project, a...

Worlds Adrift heads into early access next month

Ready to take to the skies? All aboard Worlds Adrift's custom-made airships, then, because Bossa Studios is bringing its "community-crafted" MMORPG to Steam early...

World Adrift posts its public roadmap, improves climbing so it doesn’t kill you

The veil of secrecy has been lifted from Worlds Adrift, and now every Tom, Dick, and Jane will be able to know what the...
Wow, look; nothing.

Betawatch: Shroud of the Avatar launches for real (March 30, 2018)

Did it happen? Are the rumors true? Yes, my friends, Shroud of the Avatar is actually launched now. The game has launched. Which probably...

Worlds Adrift adds 300 brand-new player-made islands to its early access build

Last week, the Worlds Adrift team asked you to break its servers. You didn't. But you did give them a thorough test, which pushes...

GDC 2018: Exploring SpatialOS with Improbable CCO Bill Roper

SpatialOS: You've probably been seeing this name pop up more and more in the MMO sphere. Worlds Adrift, Mavericks, Fractured, Seed, MetaWorld, and Identity are just some of the titles we've...

Worlds Adrift is trying to melt its servers and getting rid of a major currency

What are those wacky devs up to over at Worlds Adrift? Apparently trying to "melt the servers" with this Thursday's update and stress test....

Make My MMO: Dual Universe picks up former EVE Online dev, Project Gorgon hits early access (March 17, 2018)

This week in MMO crowdfunding, French website AFJV reported that Dual Universe studio Novaquark has snapped up one of the original EVE Online designers: Hrafnkell...

Worlds Adrift works on lag problems and boasts a crapton of new hires

Ahoy, Worlds Adrift fans: You're gettin' a patch this week. It may not be fancy, but it'll hopefully clear up the awful lag situation...