
See: World of Warcraft

Casually Classic: WoW Classic’s leveling journey shows how much retail has lost its way

In the past six months, I've been tracking a very interesting conversation that's arisen over what the MMORPG genre as a whole has lost...

Tarisland teases a PvE map inspired by a copper mine in Chile

Tencent's not-a-WoW-clone Tarisland dropped a cute preview of a zone (its last location preview was back in July, so this has been a long...
Leafy bits.

World of Warcraft previews the mechanics and rewards of upcoming Emerald Dream events

If you're excited to head to the Emerald Dream in World of Warcraft but aren't excited to have a whole lot of growing stuff...
And on and on and on...

Perfect Ten: Myths about balance in MMOs

For some MMO players, "balance" is a dirty word. And I'm not going to lie, I can hardly blame them. If you're not a...

Diablo IV has launched on Steam to ‘mixed’ reviews alongside its Season of Blood update

Diablo IV has kicked off the centerpiece of its autumn today with the launch of Season of Blood and the launch of the game...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 441: A Blizzard trick or treat

Justin and Bree discuss MMO Halloween events, Microsoft's Activision-Blizzard acquisition, WoW Classic's LFD, Embers Adrift, and Ship of Heroes, with adventures in LOTRO, New World, and WoW Classic, plus a mailbag topic on the potential for WoW on console and Gamepass.

The Daily Grind: Does playing MMOs ever feel like a job?

MOP reader HotPinkGoblin recently remarked that the march of time had changed their attitude about playing MMOs - in what I would consider a...

Fight or Kite: Should PvPers return for New World’s Rise of the Angry Earth expansion?

All the talk going on around me about New World and its first paid expansion has caught my attention. There's been office chat discussing...

LOTRO Legendarium: What could a LOTRO challenge server look like?

Lord of the Rings Online's legendary server experiments aren't done yet. Even though it's been a while since we've seen a new shard come...
Hey, dude.

WoW Factor: No-selling BlizzCon

On May 4th, 2019, tickets for BlizzCon 2019 went on sale. This was not in and of itself a surprise, with the event happening...
Bork, bork, allow independent nations to retain their sovereign territory, bork!

World of Warcraft’s charity pets for Ukraine raise more than $1.5 million

It's really easy to have a pretty negative opinion of Activision Blizzard these days, since the company regularly makes sure of that. But its...

Microsoft’s Activision-Blizzard buyout is official, Kotick to stay through end of 2023

After nearly two years of drama, UK regulators have finally approved Microsoft's acquisition of Activision-Blizzard, and Microsoft announced the buyout is official this morning. The...

Kickstarted VR MMO Ilysia rolls into early access with four servers and FreeForge characters

When VR MMORPG Ilysia announced it'd be hitting early access this month, we were a bit skeptical, given how many times it had to...

Vague Patch Notes: Why procedural generation doesn’t solve the content problems of MMOs

Just yesterday, MOP's Justin ran down the various features that the long-canceled EverQuest Next promised before its demise - including the promise of all...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 440: It’s fall MMO content, y’all

Justin and Bree discuss New World's Rise of the Angry Earth, LOTRO's Corsairs of Umbar, expansions for EverQuest and EverQuest II, and Final Fantasy XIV's Growing Light, with a mailbag question on which studios could do justice to World of Warcraft.
This looks... boring.

Lawful Neutral: Reverse engineering World of Warcraft’s subscriber numbers

Do you know what time it is? It's almost quarterly financial report time! We probably won't see a full quarterly report from Activision-Blizzard as...

World of Warcraft Classic Wrath finally brings about the downfall of the Lich King today

The big finale to Wrath of the Lich King's year-plus expansion cycle is finally here in WoW Classic. Blizzard released Patch 3.4.3 today with...

Global Chat: So who’s ready for EverQuest 3?

Hibernating fans of the EverQuest franchise stirred from slumber this past month to hear that EG7 and Daybreak may actually be progressing with a...

WoW Factor: For Khaz Algar!

This is not really a column about Khaz Algar in World of Warcraft, or at least not in the sense that you might expect...
There's a lesson here.

Vague Patch Notes: Why people can’t just ignore things they don’t want in MMORPGs

As I often do, I'm going to start this column with a bit of history. But in this particular case, it's a bit of...