
See: World of Warcraft

First Impressions: Palia is missing the depth MMO life-skillers are hoping for

"Life-sims" are another of those game genres that I like in theory, but less so in practice. Most have graphical styles I find off-putting,...

This WoW Classic addon adds AI-generated voiceover to every quest NPC in the game

There is a lot of quest text to read through in World of Warcraft Classic, so the prevailing solution has been to absolutely blitz...
But... but we even got cold again for you.

Blizzard champions Undaunted, a World of Warcraft guild for hearing-impaired players

Players who have adventured through World of Warcraft: Dragonflight no doubt enjoyed getting to meet a major centaur NPC who communicates via sign language....

Vague Patch Notes: Contemplating the origin of the Big Five in the MMO space

A few weeks back, I talked about the various tiers of MMORPGs, and that included a discussion of what we call the Big Five...

Singularity 6 interview: Palia is the cozy cottagecore sandbox to beat as it begins closed beta

The label "cozy" is in increasing danger of becoming a watered-down label thanks to how much it's being used in culture these days. Yet...

Perfect Ten: 10 memorable MMO marketing campaigns from the genre’s past

Believe it or not, MMOs get off easy when it comes to notorious marketing campaigns. Anything on the following list, good or bad, is...

World of Warcraft promises new class-based sets on the Trading Post, previews August offerings

What do you think of when you think of Priest in World of Warcraft? Did you say "candles and octopus masks"? Why would you...
da fuq did I just read

Lawful Neutral: Assessing the privacy policies governing World of Warcraft and Final Fantasy XIV

It never fails to surprise me just what some people will say in general chat in an MMO. They'll say things they would never...
Everything's on fire.

World of Warcraft Classic gets Hardcore realms on August 24

Once again, Blizzard has released its "This Week in World of Warcraft" announcement where its biggest news item does not actually release this week....

Not So Massively: Revisiting Heroes of the Storm in 2023

Social media algorithms are a dangerous thing. A few weeks back, Reddit began recommending me the sub for Heroes of the Storm. Although I...
we go

The Daily Grind: What’s a type of MMO content you don’t play but do want in the game?

By happenstance, I found myself rereading the comments of Eliot's 2022 article on World of Warcraft's then-latest excuse not to do housing, and I...

One Shots: Dance like no one’s watching

Let's kick off this week with period-appropriate disco music, fancy threads, and the coolest Orc you peons ever saw. Minimalistway is tearing up the...
Get back.

Wow Factor: The future of Blizzard is bleak

So yesterday our Massively Overthinking roundtable asked everyone to sound off on the future of Blizzard because... well, the studio had a plan to...

Tarisland vows to boost endgame PvP, crafting, and exploration following beta feedback

Tencent's Tarisland devs have descended on Discord again, this time to discuss player beta feedback on the don't-call-it-a-WoW-clone's endgame. The studio says that it...

Massively Overthinking: What’s Blizzard’s next move?

Gamers and pundits talked a big talk about Blizzard's prospects over the last few years. Don't worry about the weak revenues and plunging MAUs,...

Kickstarted VR MMORPG Ilysia announces beta 1 starting tomorrow

Readers might recall that Kickstarted VR MMORPG Ilysia has been in alpha since 2021, when it picked up a chunk of investor funding, but...

Glorbo lives on thanks to the mischievous scamps in the Destiny 2 community

Here's a copycat we're more than happy to see: The Destiny 2 fanbase now has a Glorbo of its own, doing good works in...
This could be us but you playin'

PSA: Transfer your World of Warcraft Classic characters off the Season of Mastery realms before Friday, July 28

So in case you missed it, the Season of Mastery realms are soon going to be the Season of Deleted. This will not matter...
What can I say except ''you're welcome''

Perfect Ten: We’ll always have Glorbo

Yes, folks, you've all heard the news by now about how Glorbo is finally being added into World of Warcraft. You may, of course,...
Bork, bork, allow independent nations to retain their sovereign territory, bork!

World of Warcraft introduces new charity pets to support BlueCheck Ukraine

If you want to support Ukraine in its continued crisis defending itself against a Russian invasion that has done immense damage to the country,...