xbox 360

The definitive 2020 Battle Bards episode guide

When you're a total geek for something, it's only natural to want to seek out other like-minded souls to talk about it. That's what...

End-of-Year Eleven: The best MMO updates and expansions of 2020

With so many delays, it's a wonder that anything released this year at all! And while new patches and expansions trickled rather than flowed...
Cool guys don't look at explosions.

Defiance yanks away server compensation ‘due to abuse’

Be warned: The Grinch has been spotted skulking around Defiance this week. Just days after Gamigo announced that it would be handing out compensation packages...

Into the Super-verse: A heroic year of superhero MMO development

As we get ready to tuck 2020 into the annals of history and venture into the wilds of 2021, it's a good time for...
hims are chonky

Defiance and Defiance 2050 celebrate the holidays while offering server compensation

Ho-ho-hopefully you like fighting the Volge in Defiance and Defiance 2050 because that's the game's Christmas event this year. Yes, running until January 11th, both games...

Rumor: Nexon’s Final Fantasy XI mobile remake has been cancelled

It looks as if the sun has finally set on the never-materialized mobile remake of Final Fantasy XI, as Korean site MTN is reporting that...

The Stream Team: A Bargain of Blood in Dungeons and Dragons Online

Massively OP's MJ: Celebrating the season with Pirates! For the next adventure in DDO's pirate saga ("Bargain of Blood"), the D&D night crew...

The MOP Up: Harry Potter Wizards Unite fights the heavy-hitters

You better bring your A-game and your B-wand to Harry Potter: Wizards Unite, because you're going to be in the virtual fight of your...

Winter holiday events in Runes of Magic, AQ3D, Blades, SWGemu, Destiny 2, Champions Online

While our big winter holiday MMO roundup event isn't coming out until next week, the snowflakes are piling up around us anyway and we've...

Massively Overthinking: The best and worst MMO developer quotes of 2020

We have a fun end-of-the-year tradition on MOP to recap the best and worst MMO developer quotes of the year. In fact, I keep...
Be the first on your block to GIVE ME MONEY

Final Fantasy XI brings out new story and new Ambuscade foes with its latest update

Enjoying the Voracious Resurgence storyline in Final Fantasy XI, either for the story itself or just because it's more story content when the game seemed...

End-of-Year Eleven: The healthiest live MMOs going into 2021

It is only natural that, when you are shopping around for a different MMORPG to play, to consider the health of potential play candidates....

Massively Uplifting: Giving while giving thanks as ARK, Ashes of Creation, Rainbow Six Siege, and more support charity

Around these parts, November highlights giving thanks (though no country has a monopoly on the practice!), and this past month not only gave us...
It's the same basic bench.

Final Fantasy XI details its Starlight celebrations starting on December 16

Final Fantasy XI is planning to celebrate Starlight by going all out as it does every year, and that means there are lots of...

The MOP Up: Crossout drives onto an island

Here's a useful tip from Crossout: It's dangerous to drive your car in water! This comes from the game's newest "Clean Island" patch, which...
Sometimes the game hates you trying to understand it.

Final Fantasy XI previews its December version update without any Odyssey content

It says something about this particular year that it's actually comfortable and refreshing to find something being delayed just because it isn't quite polished...
Good work, dingbat.

Trove, ArcheAge, Defiance, and RIFT start handing out digital advent calendars for the holidays

I'd never been really familiar with advent calendars until I met my husband, who is from Wales, and we bought ourselves an advent calendar...
So... we cool, huh? We cool?

Wisdom of Nym: Analyzing the last pre-patch Final Fantasy XIV producer’s letter

Well, it looks like we've got no actual new information on the next expansion. I'm not sure how to feel about that. I mean,...

Destiny 2 narrative designer confirms a gay relationship between two of the game’s NPCs

For players of Destiny 2 that have been paying attention to a number of narrative clues, this information is likely nothing more than a...

Destiny 2 further delays Trials of Osiris as invisibility exploit runs rampant

One of Destiny 2's most popular event modes has been conspicuously absent ever since the online shooter released its Beyond Light expansion earlier this...