

Massively Overthinking: Self-imposed ‘rules’ for MMOs

I have a couple of rules of thumb when it comes to MMOs. When I start thinking about watching a video while playing an...

Working As Intended: There is no good reason for MMO gamers to fund Dreamworld

Not quite a month ago, we covered the Kickstarter for a wildly ambitious MMORPG, Dreamworld. We were, uh, pretty skeptical about the game's chances....

Pac-Man 99 is a real battle royale and it’s really on the Switch now

Let's just stipulate that nothing is sacred and everything from your childhood, your parents' childhoods, and your kids' childhoods is going to be trotted...

Elite Dangerous previews Odyssey’s conflict zone gameplay as phase two of alpha goes live

When a system in Elite: Dangerous goes into a state of war, there are only a couple of ways players can influence the outcome:...

No, Twitch’s move to investigate off-platform toxicity is not ‘novel’ for the industry

Twitch is changing its hateful conduct and harassment policy once again, this time to allow moderators to take into account problematic activity that occurs...

The Stream Team: Bouncing around Trove’s Bunfest

Where can you get rolling Easter egg mounts? In Trove! And this year's Bunfest has not only that but a cute little bunny ally,...

Swords of Legends Online is a Chinese action MMORPG heading to the west this summer

Out of all of the MMORPGs we're waiting to come to our neck of the woods from Asian territories, this one is certainly a...

Dungeons and Dragons Online tests Peril of the Planar Eyes module

Four new dungeons. Additional named loot. A revamp to bow combat. Better game performance. And your stats are way too low to handle what...
Small steps.

Elite Dangerous Odyssey’s second phase of alpha testing is tentatively scheduled for Thursday

Players of the Elite: Dangerous Odyssey alpha test appear to be ready to move forward with phase two of testing, and for the most...

The Stream Team: Returning to EverQuest II’s Reign of Shadows

She never did beat that monstrous Morbigog the Pit Horror in EverQuest II's Chaos Caverns, but Massively OP's MJ does not feel like returning...

Whatever happened to Maguss, Spiral Knights, and Empyrion?

It's time to find out Whatever Happened To a couple of MMOs that have somehow managed to slip off our radars and need to...

The Stream Team: Fun for First Contact Day in Star Trek Online

Massively OP's MJ wasn't able to celebrate First Contact Day yesterday (even though it's still 42 years away!), but luckily the Star Trek Online...

Lord of the Rings Online players create a video memorial for a fallen friend

When one of Lord of the Rings Online's beloved community members passed away, friends and fellow players decided to do something in his honor....

The Stream Team: Birthday bashing and Blackwood prologue with Elder Scrolls Online

Yesterday, The Elder Scrolls Online celebrated its official seventh birthday, but Massively OP's MJ gets to eat cake all week long! And boy, does...

Massively Uplifting: Gamestonk, gorillas, and giving in MMOs

When it comes to feel-good stories in the general media, coming across a positive one about gaming seems harder than finding a four-leaf clover....

Neocron’s gritty cyberpunks hunt for pretty Easter eggs

Volunteer-led Neocron is enjoying a spring update, courtesy of Patch 2.5.1, even as the team continue to work on more content for this cyberpunk...

Star Citizen talks about future plans for player-based ship refuel and repair

As it stands now, filling up the tank and repairing the damage of your internet starship in Star Citizen is an automated matter, but...

Steampunk MMO Noah’s Heart aims for a summer 2021 beta

Last summer we delivered to you many precisely crafted words regarding Noah's Heart, a steampunk mobile MMO being developed by Archosaur Games, which is...

Valheim can now be played in VR thanks to a modder

Bless the modder community, making games we enjoy even better. That could certainly be said for the VHVR mod, which lets players of Valheim...
My ideas are so good!

Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen discusses tweaks to health, mana, loot, and enemy DPS, shares a video of class abilities

A recent livestream from Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen had a lot to say, and none of it was associated with NFT minting. Instead,...