Monthly Archives: April 2015


Elder Scrolls Online advertises cash shop item in game

Nothing helps you get immersed in your favorite MMO like a gaudy multilingual cash shop advertisement pasted on your game screen, right? ZeniMax is...
I was made into a fan!

WRUP: Yes, there was a new Star Wars trailer edition

If you managed to avoid all contact with the internet this week, you might have missed that the next Star Wars film got a...

The Daily Grind: Is dual-wielding dumb or cool?

If one weapon is neat, then two must be twice as great, right? That seems to be the thought process behind dual-wielding in video...
That beta testing steez.

Betawatch: April 17th, 2015

Path of Exile has another big update on the way! It has fun new skills like Golems, Warcries, and Golemcries! Maybe not so much...
Worlds Adrift

Worlds Adrift dev blog shows early character designs

Want to get a glimpse behind the curtain of character design and development in the MMO industry? The latest Worlds Adrift dev blog may...

EverQuest switches to twice-a-year campaign DLC

EverQuest Executive Producer Holly Longdale dropped a few info-bombs on the community today with an update letter on the game. The biggest news was...

Learn about ship customization and more in today’s ArcheAge livestream

There's lots going on in the world of ArcheAge this week, and most of it is summarized in a Trion website update focused on...

Crowfall delivers minotaur lore, Confessor sculpture

Crowfall is delivering a two-for-one dev update today, starting with lore behind the Myrmidon. The Myrmidon is a minotaur that made it into the...

The Stream Team: The joys of Elder Scrolls Online pickpocketing

Massively OP's Larry just can't keep his hands out of everyone's pockets in The Elder Scrolls Online. Luckily, MJ is there to chronicle the...

Infinite Crisis has basically made me a MOBA fan

It's 1989. My buddy and I are in a comic store and raising our eyebrows at this odd little one-shot called Gotham by Gaslight....
Not included is a guide the playing it on your 3DS, however.

How to unlock your World of Warcraft Menagerie

There's a feature sitting right in your Garrison in World of Warcraft that you might have barely used, but it's something that pet battle...
There's never a skill for making valuable new friends.

Path of Exile adds Golems and Warcries in Awakening

Path of Exile's next major update, The Awakening, is introducing not one, not three, but two new types of skills to the game. There...
Lament the loss of tax money while proving you didn't really need that money.

Marvel Heroes puts heroes and costumes on sale for tax season

Wednesday was tax day for people in the United States, a day usually accompanied by a great deal of eye-rolling and tooth-gnashing and money...
I don't miss the days without blood elves, not at all.

WoW Factor: The WoW token and the upcoming patch

Since the last edition of WoW Factor, two big things hit World of Warcraft in quick succession. The first is that the much-discussed WoW...

Elite: Dangerous ups the ante for mining

A big Elite: Dangerous update called Powerplay is on the way, and with it will come significant improvements to the space sim's mining game....
Nothing is ever straightforward.

Final Fantasy XIV Heavensward update: Job and racial lore

The official teaser site for Final Fantasy XIV's first expansion, Heavensward, has gotten a big update today. If you've been sitting on the edge...

How Jedi ruined Star Wars Galaxies

Hope you're not tired of hearing about Star Wars Galaxies because Raph "Holocron" Koster's got SWG on the brain this week, and he's answering...

Hearthstone unlocks Blackrock Spire

The scenic tour through Hearthstone's Blackrock Mountain continues, as the card game opened up Blackrock Spire yesterday to daring heroes. With the third wing...
Masters without blasters.

Guild Wars 2 explains the philosophy of Masteries

Players are not getting a level cap bump with Heart of Thorns; the apex of power in Guild Wars 2 will remain Level 80....

The Daily Grind: When do you know you’re never going back to an MMO?

Massively OP's Mike Foster said something that resonated with me earlier this week when during a debate about World of Warcraft, he uttered, "I...