Monthly Archives: May 2015


WoW Factor: A three million loss lesson

It's been a little while, hasn't it, friends? In the time since I last penned WoW Factor (which missed an installment purely due to...

Skyforge dares you to beat its anomalies

One thing is for certain: When it releases, Skyforge will not be lacking in its variety of content. Today, the dev team posted a...
Why do you build me up, Buttercup, baby, just to let me down and mess me around?

Project HON is cancelled by NCsoft

Remember Project HON? It was a giant robot combat game in the Unreal 4 engine, and every trailer released for it looked stompy and...
You have to do something, you know.

Star Trek Online explains the big shift in event currencies

Star Trek Online is doing something new with its summer event this year by shifting currencies in a big way. This has caused a...

The Daily Grind: Do you crave night-and-day cycles in MMOs?

Earlier this week, Daybreak's John Smedley told H1Z1 fans about a metric that startled me: An awful lot of post-apoc gamers are annoyed with night...

The Stream Team: Breaking into The Secret World’s Orochi Tower

If you enjoyed reading about The Secret World's Reaping the Whirlwind goodness, you might just love watching it! Massively OP's MJ and Justin area teaming...

Massively Overthinking: What would persuade you to play a classic MMO?

For this edition of Massively Overthinking, Kickstarter donor Sargon wants us think back to 1997, when Ultima Online launched and parted MMOs from graphical MUDs forever....
Space Engineers

Space Engineers opens its code base to modders

Hey space engineers, how would you like access to the source code of, um, Space Engineers? You can have it, since developer Keen Software...
Oh, look, it's this fun debate again.

The Elder Scrolls Online will not require a one-time code for play on consoles

Good news for those of you looking to play The Elder Scrolls Online on consoles - if you want to sell your copy or...

Dofus overhauls creaky crafting system

There are revamps and then there are revamps, if you know what we mean. Dofus is clearly not messing around when it announced that...

Survarium reverses its disastrous server merge

Even though they may be feared, server merges are a fact of life in many MMOs. One such merge came this past April in...

Nexon revenues rise in early 2015

After reading through Nexon's financial report for Q1 2015, one can imagine the company skipping along while whistling a merry tune. Yes, it's generally...

EverQuesting: Life after Landmark’s big wipe

It was just over a week ago that Landmark's servers went offline in preparation for a major upheaval that affected nearly every system in...
Dungeons? Check. Dragons? Check. What else could need changing?

Neverwinter outlines new and upcoming changes

When lead designer Scott Shicoff took point on Neverwinter, his first dispatch to the community was a statement that he and the rest of...

Perfect Ten: Future MMOs that I can’t wait to play

I imagine that most of us have a future bucket list of MMOs that we wish would get here already. It wasn't but a...

Heroes of the Storm World Championship coming to BlizzCon

With the well-fought Heroes of the Dorm tournament out of the way, Blizzard is preparing an even larger community event for Heroes of the...

World of Warcraft goes on the offensive against bots

World of Warcraft botters, beware: Blizzard is coming after you hard. The studio said yesterday that it has leveled the banhammer against several accounts...

The Repopulation adds diplomacy minigame with new patch

Wait, there are other ways to resolve conflict with in-game NPCs than to stab large holes in their torsos? The Repopulation seems to think...
You can go ahead and fear me, really.

Guild Wars 2 unveils the Necromancer elite spec, the Reaper

Under normal circumstances, Guild Wars 2 Necromancers have a pretty decisive philosophy of not getting involved in melee. It makes sense, after all. These...
I repent.

Rumor: Blade & Soul might be in internal testing for US release

Hey, you all remember the guy causing a whole kerfluffle about the fact that WildStar is supposedly going free-to-play? Good times! But the Redditor...