Usually, my introduction to our weekly What Are You Playing feature is a testament to the things I find funny. It’s not meant to make a great deal of sense, and in fact in those cases I usually try to back off if it feels like I’m piecing together too much of a narrative or something. Other times, I just have a really nice picture of my character and her wife in Limsa Lominsa and I decide that I just want to use that as the header without any larger joke.
It’s a good picture, that’s all. I think they look like they’re posing for a movie poster.
Anyhow, you probably know what I’m playing (because it’s always the same things) but you don’t know what the rest of the Massively Overpowered staff is playing. You can find that out down below. You can tell us what you’re playing in the comments, too! We find that stuff genuinely interesting.
Brendan Drain (@nyphur): I’ve been sucked into Path of Exile again, so I’ll be spreading my time between leveling my new Witch and doing some alliance-hunting on one of my EVE Online alts. With the recent sovereignty revamp enabling small alliances to take and hold space for the first time in years, I’d really like to get back into the nullsec game anonymously with a small group and see what kind of damage we could do.
Brianna Royce (@nbrianna, blog): Gosh, I haven’t managed to buy the Guild Wars 2 expansion yet, even, so I guess I should get moving on that. I think I’m going to poke my head into Trove this weekend; anything deeper is going to have to wait a bit.
Eliot Lefebvre (@Eliot_Lefebvre, blog):Same as it ever was, taking care of stuff in Final Fantasy XIV and World of Warcraft. I’ve also been enjoying Ironcast recently after picking it up on a Steam sale, so that might weave its way in there hither and yon.
Jef Reahard (@jefreahard): Still playing house in Star Wars: The Old Republic.
Justin Olivetti (@Sypster, blog): My Mordesh Spellslinger is requesting – nay, demanding – my attention in WildStar, and who am I to say no to that diseased face? I’m trying to stock up on as many housing items as possible and am working toward my goal of creating a wintry pine forest on my island plot. Apart from that, I might play a little Ms. Marvel in Marvel Heroes and see if I can’t ding 50 with my Bounty Hunter in SWTOR.
Larry Everett (@Shaddoe, blog): So far on my agenda, I will be playing The Repopulation, Sword Coast Legends, something I can’t talk about, RIFT, Trove, Archeage, Defiance, Gigantic, Guns of Icarus, Blade & Soul, WildStar, and Neverwinter because I’m at PAX, baby! And I am super busy. Now stop interrupting, I have to get back to work.
Matt Daniel (@Matt_DanielMVOP): I will, of course, be continuing my journey in Trove for Choose My Adventure, but aside from that, I think it’s going to be a fairly gaming-light weekend for me; my professors wasted no time in piling on assignments, so the majority of my leisure time will likely be eaten up by decidedly less leisurely activities, like writing literary analyses. But in the unlikely event that I find myself with some extra gaming time, I’d really like to to hop back into Final Fantasy XIV so that I can perhaps hit the level cap and experience Heavensward‘s endgame before I go insane from an overload of James Joyce.
Michael Gray: I’m grinding for a new Fury in Walking War Robots. With the expansion right around the corner, I’m excited for the Workshop and other new features. While I’ll always be loyal to my Pattons, I’m ready for some new robots and skills in the game.
MJ Guthrie (@MJ_Guthrie, blog): Now that I am home, I’ll be making up for lost time in Ark: Survival Evolved; there’s a bunch of new dinos I need to add to my prehistoric family. Who wouldn’t love a roly-poly dino mount? I’ll also be restarting my base (again) in H1Z1 and doing some questing with friends in EverQuest II. Oh, and I need to start spending my Black Bullion in The Secret World, so I guess I will finally gear myself up! I might slip a tiny bit of Star Wars: The Old Republic in to reacquaint myself with my Bounty Hunter. Pretty sure that will take up a good chunk of the days (and nights).
Tina Lauro (@purpletinabeans): I’m off out this weekend because my birthday is very soon! I’ll be stepping into World of Warcraft and Guild Wars 2 this weekend in any free time I get, and I’ll be paying great attention to the now-kinda-spoiled Heart of Thorns presentation on “challenging group content.”
Patreon Patron Pierre: Same old same old for me this week: Final Fantasy XI is still far more appealing to me than XIV (due to the nature and variety of the content and the more interesting and convincing story too), and Skyforge is a good option for action-loaded fun and brainless entertainment. Beside MMOs, I decided to go on nostalgia lane playing through the Ultima series of games I have on my GOG account. I’m starting with Ultima I.
Your turn!