If you’ve already been waiting since Thursday for ArcheAge’s Heroes Awaken patch to launch and server merges to go live, prepare to wait some more. The launch, originally planned for 4 p.m. EDT this afternoon, was stymied by login and authentication issues, and the game remains offline as of 8 p.m. EDT tonight while techs work on the problem.
The latest update from Trion Community Manager Celestrata reads,
Servers have been taken temporarily down as we investigate the cinematic/login issues! We will update this thread with new information as we get it!
4:30 PM PDT Update: Progress continues to be made, but we have no new information to share at this time. We will be pushing our updates out to 1 hour, with our next update coming at 5:30 PM PDT.
Still waiting? Trion recently published an infographic highlighting ArcheAge’s notable stats.
Greetings Adventurers,
As many of you are aware, earlier today we attempted to launch Update 2.0, Heroes Awaken, to ArcheAge. While the lands of Erenor were ready for you, our Glyph authentication systems unfortunately encountered an error that did not allow a large number of people to connect and join the launch. After reviewing our logs, only 10% of players who attempted to log in made it into the game. Over 90% of you were unable to join the launch of Update 2.0.
ArcheAge 2.0 is the culmination of months of work by the ArcheAge team here at Trion and XLGAMES, and the errors that were caused were solely in Glyph’s Authentication. The game is stable, and none of these problems were related to Update 2.0 or our Server Evolutions in any way.
Our Glyph team continues to investigate the bug that caused this error, and will be working to make sure it is solved and solid before we make any attempt to re-open the game. Because we do not have an official time for when this Glyph Authentication issue will be solved, and because our European adventurers have stayed up very late, we will be delaying both our North American and European launches until tomorrow, September 13, 2015.
We’ve learned a great deal from our Auroria launch and, thanks to XL’s work, the ArcheAge code base has changed drastically since then. While it was previously not possible to perform a rollback, the Update 2.0 code allows for us to choose to roll the servers back. We are taking the learnings of Auroria to heart, and we are going to do what we can to make sure we are delivering to you the launch you deserve.
Because this small number of users was able to claim a significant advantage in placing land over the majority of users, Khrolan and Amary have made the decision to perform a controlled rollback across all servers. The goal of this rollback is to set everyone back to even ground – the same ground we had during our launch at 1 PM today – so we can give everyone a fair shot at participating in this launch.
All servers will be rolled back to the state they were in prior to today’s launch entirely. All Marketplace Purchases and APEX purchases will be refunded. If you used an APEX in the 30 minutes the game was available today, those credits will be removed from your character.
Additionally, we will be splitting the launch of Heroes Awaken by region and by server type. We are targeting to open our European servers 1:00 PM GMT (3:00 PM CEST) on September 13, followed by our North American servers opening at 1:00 PM PDT (4 PM EDT) on September 13. Our Legacy servers will be opened first, our Evolution servers will open second, and our Fresh Start servers will open last. There will be a half-hour delay between each server type opening.
These times are estimates, and may be pushed back if the authentication error is not solved.
The team is currently also will be adding in an additional package to apologize for the issues that everyone experienced during this ArcheAge launch. What will be included is still being decided, and we will have more information regarding that in the coming week.
Adventurers, we apologize for the issues you encountered and how they tarnished this highly-anticipated launch. We look forward to seeing you all tomorrow, and we will continue to work through the night to make sure these issues are resolved.