WRUP: Camp in a lake of fire edition

There are no bees!

Go camp in a lake of fire. Go find a lake of fire and camp there. Not on the shore, on the lake itself. Further in. Stop standing around and go camp in a lake of fire. Don’t bother with sleeping bags, you’ll be perfectly warm because it’s fire. It’ll clean out your… pores… and stuff.

Oh, heck, I just can’t do this any more. I don’t know what I’m even trying to accomplish any longer. You’ve all put up with years of bad advice and completely untrue facts from each and every week of What Are You Playing, ever since I asked Bree to give it back to me because I like doing it, but now it’s just ridiculous. It’s totally unmoored. I’ve got nothing more to base it upon.

You can tell us what you’re up to in the comments down below. Next week, we’ll just go back to fully educational programming with completely factual information about the monarch butterfly.

Andrew Ross (@dengarsw): While I should probably get some work done, I’ll admittedly be playing some Pokken Tournament, but not in the arcade any more! I’ve already paid for half the game at the least. I’ll also probably get in some time with Hearthstone, as I’ve been trying to earn more Goblin vs. Gnome packs before the set gets retired.

Brianna Royce (@nbrianna, blog): Same as usual for me – Black Desert is my goal. Last weekend I spent my gaming time writing. This time… I want to get in there and have the fun Matt is having, darnit.

Eliot Lefebvre (@Eliot_Lefebvre, blog): There’s the usual spate of Final Fantasy XIV, and a friend was kind enough to give me a Black Desert trial code, so I ought to try that as well. Nothing terribly unusual.

Justin Olivetti (@Sypster, blog): I’m really excited to explore more of post-viral Manhattan in The Division, so you might find me there. If not, I have a hankering for more FFXIV, The Secret World, and possibly a spot of RIFT.

MJ Guthrie (@MJ_Guthrie, blog): This weekend is going to be really busy for me as I try to do some mining and farming in ArcheAge, taming and building in ARK: Survival Evolved, run the Chronoportal events in EverQuest II, do more ACT II in Path of Exile, complete the drunken Gnome racing in EverQuest, start a new cleric or scourge warlock in Neverwinter, and explore and trade in Black Desert. Oh, and I plan to slip in some Dishonored as well. I may or may not experience any sleep this weekend!

Your turn!

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