Stating in Pirate101, the swashbuckling game is giving away free “Helms of Ultimate Protection” for players quick on the ball. Pirate101 is already up to 400 in-game pets and is teasing some sort of upcoming content that has to do with a nautical-themed living room set.
Not to be outdone, Wizard101 just conjured itself a big fat update. The patch contained a new daily assignment system, tougher skeleton key bosses, a gear vault for housing, Zafaria fishing locations, and of course, more spells.
“If you’ve ever wanted to delve deeper into a secondary school of magic, now is the time,” KingsIsle said. “The scholars of the Arcanum can now teach even more spells from their schools of focus to Wizards over level 100. Each spell will cost one training point, so study wisely.”